NYE Beach tomorrow?
I'm prolly headed to Pyrmont at night for fireworks seeing as nothing is locked in.
Come in, relax, light a cigar and spend some quality time with your old friends. ;)
NYE Beach tomorrow?
Thank you James for a most excellent Gourmet Lunch!
Thanks for hosting Yi.
I really want the RS4 (3 youtube parts) to win. I was surprised that it wasn't Clarkson who brought it to the plate.
Thanks all for coming... and don't worry about the mess, I've already taken care of it.
Well in all fairness, why would you commence programming software dependent on legislation that has not even passed yet? Its just common business sense to wait.
lol Eric, love your rants. The bugs are deliberate btw, more to laugh at you than for the ridic financial gains accrued from continual updating and new releases
Hash, yeah, that's why us accountants and finance people pay you hundreds of thousands to give us a piece of shit that doesn't fucking work probably. So in the end, we have call you comp people up to get it fixed, which will take an extra 9 months to fix. And you know why that happened? Because they were too fucking lazy to start writing the damn thing until August after the legislation got passed in July. (Apologies to all the other comp people that didn't dis accountants/finance people who reads this blog.) FYI Hash, I am doing super and investments. Excel is probably one of the most versatile "calculator" available that is used extensively in accouting and finance. I am pretty sure some fund management companies use excel to do SOME financing modeling as well.
When I heard brokeback was gonna do the Joker, I thought no way...
Recent Movie Reviews
11 at my place....
Comp people use real programming languages, not tools made for retards, slow kids and accountants =P
Hey ppl, anyone who's going to KJ's on Saturday know how to use Nested VLookups in Excel? Perhaps the comp ppl can help? I am trying to create a spreadsheet that can look up certain codes from "Sheet 2" and auto fill in the cells on "Sheet 1". I can do the Nested Ifs with no trouble. But I can't get the Vlookup to work probably.
I finished buying most of the crap for saturday.. so really no point in bringing extras.. (I'm not stopping youse tho)
OK ... It is confirmed so far that...
Interesting read. I wonder which category I fall into? The "doing handbrake turn in Acacia Avenue" thing is over for me. I don't like driving/speeding/doing stupid things on the street anymore. I wanna race on the track these days...lol.
I like to drive my what now? Oh, you are referring to a hypothetical Darren..
Another one:
Weblounge is next.
from KJ:
Doesn't look that great today guys. If you still wanna do it, then call me, otherwise I'll be homing.
Who's keen for northern beaches at 3pm Saturday?
Light entertainment:
I've got to say, I love Sam de Brito's All Men Are Liars blogs (while Sam Brett's Sam and the City blog is next to useless). Such an incredibly articulate writer (for a really Aussie bloke too). I was just reading this article
yay for geeks!
Thanks for organising a great night Annie, and I can't believe you guys talked me into doing.. what I did..
Thanks for an awesome night, Annie. God we haven't done anything like that for ages. Especially Scott's aneurism about Darren...
OH MY GOD -- The Mechwarrior license has been reclaimed from Microsoft!!!
Goddamn, should have split Telstra before it was privatised. Now Australian IT infrastructure is boned. But I guess everyone has 20/20 hindsight
John Howard is not interested in spending money for broadband. The market takes care of itself, didn't you know? I mean, look at Australia's world class broadband system! XD
Just had lunch after reading that article. Its really awesome with that in the back of your mind while you're trying to keep down a bibimbab.
I read an interest article about the sexualisation of females from a young age (not a new topic) in the Australian today and decided to google the author's name to see what else she did. One of the first entries is as follows:
Director: Microsoft fueling HD wars
Thought for the day,
Facebook is now officially gay. Too much force-fed clutter on the homepage. Even myspace is at the control of the user and not force-fed, its just that 99% of them don't know what aesthetic design is.
Dude I would have loved to but I didn't check the blog all day until 10pm at night. I ended up hunting around for a haircut, and buying a new bike helmet. Otherwise yes I was very keen for the beach and it was a perfect day. :)
He sounds lonely. You should add him, then...
haha. I just found the CEO of the Australiasia region for Arup....on facebook. Surprisingly, he has but....4 friends.
Despite what smh weather says, it looks pretty nice today. Anyone down for Northern Beaches?
Have to say "Thank you" to Joel for the BBQ and the hospitality. The food was great, and the air con was cold. It was nice to see everyone some of you after a long absence.
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