Soccer is on tomorrow:
Starts at noon sharp, come later at your own peril of it turning into NotD.
Hash, Marc, Alexis, Flinky, Spain, Joel, Me are going already so we've already got a good turnout.
Come in, relax, light a cigar and spend some quality time with your old friends. ;)
Soccer is on tomorrow:
Sorry would love to watch bourne supremacy but busy friday night
Desperate Housewives
Benny finally joined Facebook.
These miners didn't need our safety training help to get out..
Guys Bourne Ultimatum Friday
People up to anything for the long weekend?
I'm most likely game for paintball.
Orsome, I'll finally get a chance to use all that Gun Kata i learned.
The recent HD DVD announcements are akin to chemotherapy for an advanced cancer patient.
Today's facebook poll HD-DVD vs Blu Ray. HD-DVD is killing it xD
since Mahayana Buddhism is the main demonination of Buddhism practised in China, so I could prolly find you a few stores =P.
My sister has been watching this series on ABC. Not for those who don't appreciate pain...
Since the cardinality of the set of Mahayana Buddhists running take away shops in Sydney is zero, I think it's time to start a new and more profound topic:
Hash, find me a Mahayana Buddhist running a Chinese take away shop in Ashfield and we'll continue this dialogue.
Ok, Soccer at 11.
Wow, powerful arguments boys.
i feel compelled to enter this rather lively discussion.
福 is my middle name..
"Good fortune" does not mean "gimme money".
Wow Marcus. Not a single argument. Just a bunch of adjective laden attacks.
Deflected rather poorly this time James. So poorly it doesn't make a shred of logical sense. Some logician...
Hash, why don't you folks go to SuperbOWEL after soccer and ask the owner himself what the little Buddha is doing there. And then contemplate on why Chinese optometrists, butchers and fish shops are named with words like "88" that rhyme with "fortune and wealth" rather than "safety/no misfortune".
Benny: I apologize for my spelling. Less NotD, more soccer! You can play soccer while drunk neways.
Part of the reason of why I am so eagerly requestion soccer tomorrow is due to my condition. I require rigorous exercise and diet. So please help me out guys.
You misspelt argument (not arguement).
Argh, whatever James. Two points were made, mutually exclusive of the other. As expected, for all your vaunted self-education, you aren't quite (not quiet) bright enough to see which is related to the NotR/SotR/Statuettes arguement and which is not.
James :: Dude, you are operating on some most bogus information. Your most unexcellent spelling is perpetrating a heinous crime against the english language.
Your arguments are now circulatory and self-defeating James.
"be quite"
James be quiet.
Hey guys I know it is a tad late notice but is it possible to play soccer tomorrow morning? I need the exercise and we haven’t done much of anything in the last 3 weeks.
Thanks to all those who tried to get in touch with me during my ordeal. Unfortunately the worst isn't over. In particular thank you to Marc, James, Hash and Charlie for their candid advice.
Speak for your own primitive form of Buddhism.
Well now you just ain't reading correctly.
P1: Chinese Restaurants in Sydney display "gimme money" Buddhas
w00t for ze truth!
I guess you're not so enthusiastic about my appraisal of Sony.
The PC version has better graphics than the 360 version, as the textures are bigger. One of the guys here at work is leaving early on Friday to pick it up.
This chip cooling development is rather cool (and yet more publicity for Purdue w00t)
Buying it for the 360. Along with Metroid Prime 3, Halo 3, Assassin's Creed, Mario Galaxy and Smash Brawl.
Boys and Girls,
Is it in the blood of all SotRs to buy the cheapest of whatever is available? (except for handbags which need to be expensive as to create class stratification)
Sounds pretty interesting, but I don't think I can make it Jono. Tell us how it goes
Anyone want to come with me to this Einstein and Climate Change talk tomorrow (Wednesday) at 6:30pm at the Powerhouse Museum?
Irony apparent in an aerial view of tree logging
The Star Wars last supper..
Hey James,
"What makes us human may one day be defined not by the gifts we possess, but by the virtues we lack"
Final call for those interested in moving out.
So I gather then Alexis is alright?
I have spoken to Alexis, and we are interested in Tennis on Sunday morning (or arvo. Which ever suits the majority of those who are interested).
OMG Hiro actually has a real job -
Masi Oka has appeared in "Heroes", "Scrubs", "Without a Trace," "Joey," "Will & Grace," "Along Came Polly," "Austin Powers in Goldmember"... He has degrees in mathematics and computer science. Oka pursued an acting career while taking his first job at George Lucas' Oscar-winning special effects house. Today, despite his successful career as an actor, he continues to provide groundbreaking effects for more than 30 films.
Alas, I have acquired the three books I need to fully justify my way of life: In Praise of Idleness to justify my lack of work ethic, Sceptical essays to justify my Godlessness, and Marriage and Morals to justify why it's okay to cheat on my wife.
Hey Hash, you know your answer to the first question of that quiz would have been way better, had you've said "it doesn't matter, as long as i get to keep picking the cotton".
Another interesting read, but with more pictures: Weird animals of the world..
Entertaining read - Job interviews - keep it real
i wonder if the old man who walks around holding the different coloured wires still hangs around george street cinemas.
Question regarding Goals in Life:
Man, I just saw Die Hard 4.0 and it was awesome! I was grinning as I left the cinema :D
That quote is so true...hahahahah
haha yea my bad, I should have cited the source. I just assumed "quote" was synonymous with
Marc: that quote has been on bash for quite some time now.. is that where you saw it?
"In China they didn't know what "opinion" meant."
omg this quote is just too good to be true...perfect:
Nice recount Darren. They were also called philosophers of course.
The Athenians were in 300. They turned down Xerxes' request of 'earth and water' as a token of their 'submission' to the will of Xerxes. This was bought up in similar discussions between Xerxes' messenger sent to Sparta and Leonidas, which then degraded into talks of blasphemy, madness and slow-motion-foot-kicking-into-bottomless-snake-pits.
I had a pizza! So did Yi! Mine had...salami....maybe ham? oh it was called "Scugnizzi"
I'm glad you guys had a good time at Napoli in Bocca. Many ordered Spaghetti Marinara, which only Alexis said wasn't amazing. "Just like how his mother made it," he said, which in Italian culture is actually a complement!
James : "We can observe that Athenians, though being spirited and reckless, were highly volitile"
Yeh, no tennis this week...I am still sick and under anitbiotics atm...goddam weather.
Yi: Your solution lies not at Bunnings but at your closest Korean restaurant.
I'll look after it. :)
lol. saw that when it first aired. was one epic episode indeed.
I think if you asked the Christians of the time and of current day, they would say "it was God's will. The fire merely prooves it true for mortal minds."
"One of the fascinating ‘what ifs’ of history is what would have happened if lightning had not struck the Forbidden City on 9 May 1421, had fire not roared down imperial way and turned the emperors palaces and thrones to cinders. Would the emperor’s favourite concubine have survived? Would the emperor have kept his nerve? Would he have ordered Admiral Zheng He’s squadrons to continue their voyages? Would they have carried on establishing permanent colonies in Africa, the Americas and Australia? Would New York be known as New Beijing? Would Sydney have an English quarter rather than a Chinese quarter? Would Buddhism rather than Christianity have become the religion of the New World?
I can't help but think of at least 2 different simpson's episodes when reading that article.. Ralph after eating those poison berries in that lord of the flies episode, and of course, the crazy chilli in the chilli cookoff episode.