Soccer Saturday 1pm or Sunday 11am
Weather forecast is fine
Come in, relax, light a cigar and spend some quality time with your old friends. ;)
Due to the lack of interest for an IMAX session of Spiderman 3, it has been moved to a normal sesison at Town Hall Greater Union.
Gah, even I have to admit it - The Australian team is crazy good. No other team is as good as them.
He's a pro that's right.
Freakin' Gilchrist - He can just go die in a fire!
On the topic of what jobs are in, investment banking
For the computing people, Thoughtworks is looking for graduates with a pretty cool text advertisement
Annie's organising dinner this Saturday night boys, but shouldn't conflict with PC. Could complement it quite well actually.
Seeing as everyone is asking whats happening on Saturday night I'll tell you:
"I think there's a little redneck in James--he listens to American country music and likes Texas BBQ." -Colleague
Just installed the new drivers to enable the remote for Windows. Its pretty cool, but still plenty of room for improvement eg it won't browse in windows whereas it will in mac. It can adjust the master sound volume (up and down) and switch tracks back and forth (left and right) play/pause and alt-tab to itunes (menu button), quite primitive but still better than nothing.
Spiderman 3 AT IMAX!
Ahhh...Marc, you are going to hold a lan party at your place? Can you post details?
John : It is very difficult to say something useful. Only 1 in 100 or so posts have usefulness (apart from event related matters). However, I like to call it constructive criticism.
Calling for tenders on Saturday night. Poker? BF2? F1? XD
Motion sensors come installed on MBPs to detect if the notebook is being dropped so the HDD can lockdown and secure data...even if the rest of the computer is done for.
Orsome Marc! Now if only we could find some1 dumb enuf to buy a Mac with a motion sensor ...
So bored and uninspired at work that I started reading about clocking speeds on my laptop when I found this. If you dare, go to youtube and search it up.
Alexis, I might not be a hardcore gamer like you, nor will I ever be but all I can say is, I will remain a Sony fan, as long as Sony PS3 remains as the sole platform that plays GT5, and Tekken 6. However, Xbox360 does look enticing...with Gears of War, Forza 2 (pre-ordered already...even though I don't own a 360 yet...December plan), PGR3 (damn you for being the only bastards with the Enzo). Wii is a good "party" platform and will always, to me, remain as a kiddies/party/good for drunks platform. Nintendos are great for a laugh...especially when you see a bunch of drunks trying to play
While I think it's too early to say that the PS3 is 'dead', I do agree that Nindendo has completely out done the brain dead, zero imagination executives of Sony and Microsoft.
James, in its entertainment division, as far as I know, hasn't Spiderman been Sony's primary asset for quite some time now. That and pirates 3 are going to be fighting it out for box office supremacy this year.
The trailer didn't look that good at all?
GTA4 trailer has been out for some time. I just saw it and...zomg, I'm tempted to buy a PS3...
Fool -- I never played aeon.
New photos are up on my web album - Purdue, Chicago, England (with weiming's birthday party photos) and Switzerland (actually those are 95% kwong's photos). Oh and some humorous engineering ones - '4 years at university'
As a fellow Korean I can only say one thing: boy that guy is fucked...... People like him ruin my kinsmen's reputation.
Hey, some asians do like their white chiks. Actually, Russian-chinese = white?? If they do, then I like my white chicks too. If not, well I don't like them then XP.
You can view the early versions of Starcraft, the ones that looked like Warcraft in space as the 7th century chess. And Brood Wars certainly is a legitimate finale.
I was referring about next Saturday. And if you magicify that then I will magicify your face, like, uniteeeeeee.
Negative James!
Exactly Eric.
Lol @ the Sparta cards. I've seen magic cards with anime characters there a prog for that?
Next week we will do something on Saturday night. You guys have to throw me a life ring and provide me an escape route/alibi.
"I just witnessed an execution!" - My squad leader observing from below as he saw me knife an unsuspecting hostile sniper who had sighted him.
NVIDIA Launches Geforce 8600 GTS and GT, bringing DX10 to the masses. Available now at $149-$229 USD.
I just joined facebook after a massive worldwide plug arising from yesterday's tragic circumstances.
Random news: Astronaut Neil Armstrong went through customs on his return from the moon, according to this badly scanend document..
As Benny mentioned, there is Magic to be had this week-end. I can sponsor 5 other ppl. If interested post up on the Blog or in the wikiBulletin.
Soccer's going to be at 11am on Saturday at Centennial Park so Hash, KJ, and I can go to magic.
Read or Die, Porco Rosso are what I'd show to introduce newcomers to Anime.
Akira was great! Probably one of the first animes to ever air in the US. Saint Seiya is also good! I grew up with that, Dragonball and various other anime. Also grew up with the Japanese sentai stuff too (stuff like power rangers).
You saw Saint Seiya James? That is so awesome. I saw all one hundred and something episodes back in the early 90s. It was the most popular animated show in Peru and Spain during those days. It was one of the defining moments of my childhood. Sadly, it wasn't as popular in English speaking nations. In fact, I think only recently have they began to release English dubbed versions. However all the gory and gruesome fights and deaths have been omitted, which is where a big portion of its appeal came from.
Watch more Anime before making such grand opinions!
Too late. Read post too late and left the house in t-shirt, hoodie and Cons. That by all rights will grant me access to CFN.
Regarding Akira,
Microsoft posts insturctions on opening the Vista box after some users find it more difficult than installing Vista itsself.
Lolz, I honestly didn't know it's next to Greenbox. There are a few guys there, and all of them are interested in PC....problem is...the girls might give us the look and kick our nuts into the ground...that's not very Spartan...
Hash speaks some truth. Compared to the recent crop of anime, the animation in Akira seems a bit dated and rough. But Akira was a landmark anime. It left a huge impression with Western audiences forever shifting the perception of what one could achieve in terms of storytelling and narrative. It blew me away when I first saw it around 10 years ago. It was brutal, it was hard, it was edgy.
OMG, u hadn't watched Akira yet James?
Dear Eric,
Interesting choice. I note that its right next to Greenbox so no prizes on what he plans to do afterwards...which is not very Spartan.
Ok boys, I have finally made a booking. It's a resturant called Diethnes. For all you Spartans, you'll feel right at home!
Eric - what time's graduation dinner again (7? I could be making that up), and what are you doing between grad ceremony and dinner?
No, F1 is NOT on on Fridays (well, it's on, but not televised plus it's Friday practice...we all know Ferrari will dominate...ok, Mclaren will do well also[3rd and 4th] =þ)
Sorry, can't make it to your graduation in the morning Eric but I can come for celebrations later at night.
Eric: I hope that your dinner thing is somewhere in the city, cos I'll be driving going up to Newcastle on Friday, and should be back at uni by 5ish. If it is not, there is a chance that I will be late..
Crap! Wait....10:30am means it finishes at...around 11:30 or 12 right?
Hash, i think i can make it to your grad. conincidentally, my friend's grad is at the same day (not sure about time).
To interested parties
I'm not convinced it will have a good "feel".
I've mentioned this before but I'll mention it again: partitions are the most stupid, braindead idea ever.
I've already mentioned this before but I see it time and time again.
I meant late night soccer at Central Park after dinner on Friday. Ahahahaha. Guess not. I haven't planned afters so that's still up in the air...please let me know by Sunday night guys.
Don't think I can make it 2day to soccer. But I might be in the cti, so we'll see. I'll give you guys a call.
Hai guyth!
The important points that I gleaned from article were that you wished to give researchers 1% of the GDP.
What happens if the astronomers are right, and the world is actually entering a cooling period?"
It was a question Stern was quite happy to answer during his visit to Sydney. "What if I'm wrong?" he posited in an interview with the Herald. "Well, suppose this science is a big hoax, and we believe it and we invest 1 per cent of GDP per annum. What are we going to get?
"We'll get a bunch of new technologies, some of which will turn out to be really super - say the price of solar energy really drops - this is the kind of thing we might get out of it.
"We'd get much less air pollution. You'll get cleaner fuels for developing countries, which will make cooking much safer. Air pollution in huts is the second most important cause of death in developing countries, after water shortages from lack of infrastructure.
"So you get a lot of collateral benefit. And you've spent 1 per cent of GDP for a while till you find out."
Then he turned the proposition around: "What if you take the much, much more likely hypothesis that the vast majority of the world's scientists are right. And you bet the other way. You say: 'I don't believe all this stuff, I'm going to wait and see.'
"What if that bet's wrong? You end up in a position that's extremely hard to extricate yourself. The flow of carbon emissions building up into the stock is like a ratcheting effect. You can't turn the clock back. The basic economics of risk point very strongly to action."
What the crap, so is soccer cancelled? I called Charlie just as I was about to leave the house and he said it was off, but there's no blog message or SMS or anything
I just checked the blog now, 300 Tickets for the 10:30pm session yesterday were sold out after 4pm or so on Wednesday. I tried booking more around 9:30 Wednesday night, but they were sold out then.
I think usual place is centenial park
I wonder if they have scampi in antarcica... :D
I know hey James, neither did I.
Yeah we booked, thanks for checking Hash. Not sure if Darren managed to secure a ticket for Benny yet. haha PG version of 300.
Question :: Did you guys book for the 10:30 screening, coz when I went to pick up tickets, the 10:30 screening was also sold out.
For the interview question: did you once have instant noodles at my house at 2AM and dropped the egg shell outside the bin, the answer is, "NO".
Thanks Hash. Also my brother mentioned he'd probably also like to have a quick chat with you guys, to help prep for the chat/casual interview with Steve. I'm guessing it doesn't necessarily need to be in person, maybe on the phone or something, but we'll figure that out
Hey Hash, Benny and friend: My brother just spoke with the fella, Stephen Dawson, who like runs the company (or similar). He wants to have a chat with you guys next week, * I think * individually. Can you guys give me your email address that you use frequently? My brother will email you a job description and to ask you for a time next week that you can meet up with Steve.
Yeah Benny is interested in the 10:30pm session. If you can Darren - do you think you could please buy a ticket for him? Thanks!
You know what Student Central just told me?
Eric - I think the best way to celebrate your graduation is by going to a Friday Night Magic tournament!
Lolz James, I like Apple ipods. Honest! It's just iTunes that pisses me off. Since I spend most of my time travelling in a car (with a cd player), there's no point for me to get one. I did say scampi buffet for you when you come back. You can count on that.
haha, indeed it is Marc!
Hash, when it comes to car insurance 26 is the magic number.
Eric - what time is ur graduation.
Eric, did the tele-lens and all that equipment intimidate you? Nah can't go to your graduation Eric. Its too far from where I live.
Oh yeh. Forgot to mention this before, but I am graduating on the 13th of April. If you are free and live around Macquarie or are willing to come for photos, please come! If not, I am planning to have dinner in the ct that evening. Please tell me if you can come to one of those. I need to book for dinner...
Actually Picasa is beginning to annoy me. As Marc said it's a bit minimalist. I can't change the default viewing size of the photographs, nor middle-click to open in a new tab, nor view full size photos in the web album itself. bah. google really didn't devote much man/brain power to this one...
Kwong :: 10:30 pm is way way wayyyyyy too late.
James, thanks. My aunt said if you want and are free, you are invited to their thanksgiving dinner. (My aunt makes great gravy, and chicken that is "out of this world".) You can talk to her about recipes, and swap. She'd love that :).
Nice photos Jono! I can see Opportunity there in one of your photos! :P
Yeah, *everything* is a PR stunt for Apple. Never mind that the consumer is getting 256kbps music without DRM. Never mind that album prices stay fixed at $9.95.
The repair guy said the radiator grill and the air-con unit are being replaced. Apart from that, the rest of the damage is cosmetic (hood, headlights, headlight protectors, front).
Long weekend will also be pretty bad.
yeah marc, they're just kili and whitewater photos. it's taking a long time to filter through photos (we had 3 digital cameras in africa, bit of a nightmare, though 'fortunately' mine broke down halfway through Africa) especially while job searching at night and working 9-5 during the day. But more will go on soon enough
In response to the DRM free music. I agree with the article.
It seems several people had the same orsome idea we did and hence the 8pm screening of 300 is sold out =(
This is it folks.
Nice article James, good read.
haha James.
Fun zooming around..
If you want something with puerile jokes that even children wont laugh at, lame battle sequences, a story that goes nowhere inspired by stupid Saturday morning cartoons, then by all means watch TMNT. Hash I give you permission to download it.
Oh God that was horrible John. But true, this one is probably the most "intact" smashed up Ferrari. The guy definitely went too deep into the turn without braking. Ferrari should give each ferrari owner/driver driving lessons before they are allowed to get the car. Apparently Hong Kong has that...simply because people can't drive the car! (Mostly rich women who can't drive...)
a video of the eddie griffin enzo crash. at least this one didn't split in half like all the other enzo wrecks.
Pfft, just the kind of compromises you would expect from non-Spartans!
I've got a lecture on Thursday evening, and I also have to drive a car back from Newcastle to Uni. So, I propose watching 300 on Friday, and making an event of it. I'll look at times after this lecture is over.. Possible places for this are: Macquarie, Paramatta, or the City.
I know a few of you guys are planning to watch 300 this Thursday in the city, but how do you guys feel about watching the 9:30pm session at Parramatta?
Hash did mention him a while ago. Do a search for Lando or Bille Dee.
Why did nobody mention that Lando Calrissian is in C&C3? Or is this something that we should all have known..
Sorry ppls, my mistake. The jack nicolson dude i was talking about is the starship troopers guy. Michael something...damn they look alike!
Hey I'm checking out the cast for C&C3. Pretty decent for a game but I wouldn't really buy a game for the famous actors attached...