Re Hash: Tell Agnes at work Thanh says hi
She's doing a masters at westmead so I'm not sure if you'll see her since you might not be there anymore.
Meh no skin off my nose if no one cares about wei's house warming
Come in, relax, light a cigar and spend some quality time with your old friends. ;)
Re Hash: Tell Agnes at work Thanh says hi
ahhh...I didn't understand anything from Hash's If it's similar to XP, there's no way I'll buy it, unless they give it to me for free or something...but then again, I'd prolly sell it on ebay.
This may break the forum, but I am gonna agree with Marc: I would not buy Windows Vista. I would not piss on a copy if it was on fire.
I don't know who was first or what not, but if MS says they were first and because they are hellbent against piracy (why wouldn't they be? they are the most prominent target and therefore stand to lose the most from it) then it must be true.
Lolz @ Marc, did you try that 3D scrolling thing that was shown on TV? That looked cool. After reading reviews on Vista, many users were complaining about it's just an Apple OSX from MS or something. Of course Microsoft (with their no-priracy stance) said everything that looked Apple was released in their beta, long before Apple has released that stuff...bunch of freaking hypocrites! I mean WMP11 looks like iTunes...the only thing I like, or rather neutral about , is that it doesn't reorganise my mp3s (though it did attempt to...that was my fault cos i chose the "update" library option for one album) However, it was me who chose to do it, not doing it for me...
James: your gratuitous misspelling of words makes me think its deliberate.
You are busy, you can't play because... you are playing SINGLE PLAYER SC??? *Exploring* Tech3?? I feel so offended!@# I'm going to throw your gundem out the balcony or something!
Sorry James, just read your SC request. Sorry, can't play. I have yet to explore tech 3 goodies...still playing missions. And nVidia allows you to play SC at work?! Well, it was "designed" for nVidia (logo at the beginning of the game). But during work?! Tell me, what are the specs of the comps at work? SLI'd GTXs no doubt? with Core 2 Extreme?
I just played on a ladder server. I feel like a tennis player coming out of retirement armed with wooden rackets.
I don't mutilate, merely castigate.
I reckon they would modify Boxor's aircraft so it can be controlled by a mouse and keyboard, and put a huge Blizzard logo on the side of the plane so that enemy aircraft won't shoot him down.
Fuckin' North Koreans. We should stop sending them food and oil just for denying slayer his proper career.
Lolz, Hash, your "neutral" post surprised me. But your next one was...well, I stand corrected!
OMG, Slayers_Boxers has been drafted to the friggin airforce. Who knew that of all the terrible side effects of Carl Marx, losing boxer would be one of them.
"and why bother mentioning Wei's Housewarming Benny - u will either 1) not go or 2) organise a sabotage ..."
lolz, seef u would corrent me on my spelling Mr. 'Exculpate' - go recite 10 synonyms for destroy
Wow! Nice post Darren! (And congrats on the contract, though never for Planck Time did I believe you weren't going to get it.)
You misspelt emphasis.
Some things to note between TA/SupCom and Star
Lolz, Darren, no comment there. I have to say, Starcraft is a classic. After watching a few replays from Saviour and Boxer (dudes from Korean), I have to say, yes you can still be innovative. But executing strategies like SC is unheard of Star, well unless you are from korea and can perform 400 APMs, then maybe you can think about it. The game, is very TA. Speaking of TA, Hash said he can round of some people for a game. I am down. But we'll need copies of CC and Battle Tactics. If you can bring your copy, we'll burn it on Saturday after tennis? Yes Kwong, I am burning Darren's copy SIMPLY BECAUSE I can't get them anymore...
Thanks for the post Marc, that way it makes me able to post this without making my previous post even longer.
After having done my thesis on RTS AI, I can tell you, Eric, that the Starcraft AI does go beyond a simple early rush, and also changes strategy to reflect the player's decisions.
But Supreme Commander SUCKS!!!
Lol James. It IS TA! Only more intensive, more..challenging, and MORE EXPENSIVE. SupCom can achieve things that Star can NEVER OFFER, nor dream about. Unless they make Starcraft 2 or something...maybe it can start dreaming...
Oh man, so I played SupComm today. It is *exactly* the same as TA. It's the smellll.... I can taste it in the stench of the countless bots. Argh. Every bit as frustrating as TA. Makes a Battlecruiser feel like a snap to build.
When it slows down due to high unit count, it's clearly CPU bound. Not sure a new GPU will help you in that regard. The 320MB GTS remains the killer bang for the buck card.
Hmm, my laptop is 1.66...i thought it was 1.8, so i guess what i mentioned earlier on the blog was correct...anyways, it lagged like a mofo with around 250 units on screen. I couldn't even force attack the enemy's commander...but then again...with 30 missile launchers...who needs accuracy.
I'm happy to see you playing some star james. lets get more troops and play more team games plz.
James, why star when u can SupCom? seriously, it's good. FREAKING AWESOME GAME!! Bet you can't way point your bombers (dropships) to your allies base, then attack the enemy from the left, while your tanks and artillery move in from the front at the same time...
My four games so far on my Friday/Sydney's Saturday:
I thought u said all ur bosses were old women who didn't want to relinquish a cushy job to younger people
lol my cousin worked for IT macq bank. He was on call a lot, but from what I hear it was pretty cruisey.
*sigh*. Aiite, here's the deal, I was talking to Alexis last night, and his cousin AND himself are both keen on tennis and soccer. While hash is busy doing his own stuff, we have two alternatives. One, we play tennis and soccer in the west, Lidcombe OR we play in the east (UNSW and Centennial Park). We can fit lunch in the middle, and bumming before we start playing soccer in the arvo. Tennis should be...around 10 or so? Now, I have suggested a place, time and schedule, who's interested and which location?
It's a sucky feeling when the cleaners come... and then go... and you know your day has just started...
Whoops, just read the Wiki...
Lolz, James I know. I am gonna pick it up this arvo, and try run it. If it fails on my desktop, I can still play it on my laptop...Centrino 1.66 Duo, with 256 nVidia 7800 power baby! That should be ok...i hope...
Is there a way of getting a concession card for those not enrolled?!
James: I was saving those parts for this post. I scored 5 mini-fajitas yesterday due to mining students' dislike for that sort of food. A mining course here at uni is catered, and more often than not, they do not finish the food. So, we help them finish it.
This god damn blog has become MS-Office-clippie-Spell-Gramma-Checker. Frivilitity at its worst. And Darrnen, there's something wroing with your post; it's missing the part about getting free food or saving money through some clever trick.
Geez Loiuse, the law is so bleak =(
Records can be falsified therefore not irrefutable. I think the infringement bureau has already proved that
I'm sure you mean 'exercise REGULARLY tools'.. I had my daily walk exercise last night, we must have done 6kms walking around the Botanical Gardens and the city taking photos of the QM2 and QE2 and eating dinner and trying to get out of the city via the trains.
Lolz, yes James, Alexis ow"n"s nothing to no one = Alexis owes at least something to everyone right? And James, I think i am the closest one to collect a debt from Alexis. (READ ALEXIS: You promised me a 150% interest over your current debt of 20 dollars to me, which amounts to 50 dollars in total, the next time we meet.)
Marc, you should have seen (well heard) the pair of Blackhawks at night. They were cruising around with no external or internal lights on. You would just hear their rotors through the trees or bouncing off the buildings.
I'm guessing you mean "owes". And I'm also guessing you also use the double negative literally and not just in bad grammar.
Thanks for the heartening encouragement guys.. and Eric, I've already done all the 'easy' electives, all that are left are the hard and difficult courses..
move it to Sunday and I will attempt it.
Hey guys I have a cousin that just came over from
Count me in for skiing...
7 days Ski trip to NZ with Pinchie July 21st $2000 includes accom, food airfare, ski gear hire, 5 day ski pass, tours for 2 days More details soon, post your interest
I would go, but I prolly need the $2000 for magic come August.
I'm down for the NZ trip if I have a noob-buddy but tentative because its getting close to August and I'm not sure if I'll find work in between.
Don't be discouraged Darren, u can still spell H-D with Defence Of The Ancients!
Another 2 subjects? Did you enrol correctly? Honours is only supposed to be an extra 48uoc isn't it?
The never-ending Comp Sci degree continues.. I have enrolled in 2 more classes, as it turns out I needed that many more subjects to finish. At least I don't have to travel far from work to get to my classes on time, but the 9am-9pm days are going to suck.. 2x 14 hour days, including traveling times.
Good news, Yi!
I am down for star tonight, 6PM Sydney time onwards.
Chinese New Year lunch! Grab some food from chinatown and walk to somewhere where you can eat it sitting down.. like CFN. Its better than sitting at home without any Chinese food in front of your comp.
Courtesy of Alexis - best film(s) ever!!!
I fail to meet the recommended requirements for the demo ... That's it, Time to Upgrade the V/C! and RAM. Hopefully, I can still use my 9700 to render the minimap XD
Looks like we'll be playing on the bored assie's server at around 1:30PM. Scott D. Sellers will be joining us. Get on MSN for config details.
Lolz, star should be fine. I'll try get my cousin in on it too. He's pretty good. (the one that went to Jono's place if u recall).
Go Eric !!!
Yes, let's talk about the size of penises now!
Darren : so what u'r saying is I can randomly point and call someone a mongoloid and I would be correct 1/3 times!?!?! SOLD!
James: yes, but the Romans have bigger penises.
I dont think we have anything better to do than argue over the spelling of dead rulers' names. Those that do have better things to do are not at a comp to participate in this stupid argument.
Alas, it takes a fellow NT to look pass mere spelling, and embrace the elegance and infinite beauty of logos!
Eric: I think that apple stores your playlists on its servers, but I may be wrong.
Lol, what do all those 3 empires have in common? They got owned by subcontinentals!
You know you've had a good night when you're not in your own home and getting to work at 7:20am
Hmmm, true. Plus guys don't like carrying stuff around. I mean, FGS, if you have a GF, you have to carry her shopping already. WHY BRING AN EXTRA BAG?! But from my research on pods, some guys actually broke their nanos because they sat on it. Also depends on the person's choice of clothing. For people who prefer loose clothing, wouldn't the pod bounce more?
I have figured out why girls have high turnover on portable electronic devices. They have hangbags and don't like to put things into their pockets which cause unsightly bulges. Guys don't care about this so they keep it in their pockets anyway.
James, u r absolutely correct!
Lolz, James, please why would you dream about me? Yes, I've been posting a lot, simply because Apple has been a bitch to me. Been complaining about James not sending 8800GTXs, itching for SupCom to come out faster...lolz.
A brief psychoanalysis of that dream reflects the recent posts on the blog.
I think the ozone from all those high RPM FOP38-esque Nvidia Cooling Fans are affecting ur perception of reality ... more than usual!
I had the oddest dream ever. Eric was in my Putney house helping my mom catch a lobster which had run loose. The second he caught it, it turned into a Half-life headcrab and got him. LOL!
Hey 2/3 ain't bad! It could have been worse, I could have spelt Austria.
Kwong if I read it correctly, that's an article relating to general street photography and not child photography per se. Sorry to disappoint you but I am not a paedophile =)
Lolz Darren, I have an nVidia 7800 or something Laptop too.
oooh, nice dodge James. Good to see Marketing A and Politics 101 have payed off!
Back on topic: let's commit to something on Saturday. I am down for star. Can someone commit to a server and hand out instructions/IP etc?
Australian public turns on Corby family
dont you have to go to work in 2 hours? (says the man eating spaghetti bolognaise while playing dota at 1:20am)
Eric, lend me Supreme Commander and I will try it on the comps at work. Core2Duos with GeForce 7900GTXs.. with the possibility of 8800 GTSs to come.. now if only they had decent internet bandwidth..
Just watched C&C trailer, ZOMG the hotness !!!
Lolz, James. That's if our comps can run those 2 games. I have pre-ordered my copy of SupCom, but might not be able to run it (I wan the special ed), while my cousin has ordered his C&C3. However, you can change all that if you sent us a copy of the latest nVidia card each at your employer's expense. XD
Sorry to hear your troubles Eric. Maybe iTunes is not good for your use. I hear the latest Windows Media Player is meant to be pretty good.
Well, it's now 5am. After spending almost 8 hours re-organising my mp3s, I've finally finished the task. Thanks to the tools at Apple, I've wasted 8 hours of my life doing something that would've not have happened if the tools didn't:
lol Eric. I don't have that prob. Maybe its just your MP3s :p
Lolz, Hash, just wait till 22nd of Feb...have they released any specs?
Supreme Commander Demo is out!
I've burnt my face again...lolz. I need some blikness i swear. Before I forget, happy chinese new years everyone (since celebrations have started) so no more dogs this year aiite! It's pigs this year boys!
Ahhww.. tennis at West Ryde. Go hard hitters!
Kwong, what are the details for tennis 2morrow? West Ryde 10am? Hash? Charlie? Alexis? Benny? You guys in? Why don't we do a tennis then soccer thing?
Lolz, Marc. It drew first blood back in 2004 as the first 8.1 MP camera on the market. Back then the 828 was the camera to beat. Then came along D100s, and D80s..and 350Ds...
Why asian restaurant/eatery, Darren? James is a fair catch as shown by spain, busu and jono's interest over years...
Dominating? Stand next to charlie or kwong and then tell me its dominating...and when you get out of the urinal compare the cameras XD
hahaha, James, I am sure that someone will be out there somewhere in nVidia waiting for you. You can try use your K10D to pick up. I've managed to pick up with my 828 back when it was cool...and dominating...
omg s09e02 of top gear is awesomely hilarious! Glad to see its back to itself and being a bunch of middle-aged men acting like teenage fags.
Thanks to an unexpected quota windfall at work, I am posting..
Soz Eric, seems like organisation is stalled for the time being, have to build a garden shed on the weekend
Yi, welcome back!
A Buzzsaw should do the cutting as well as any other tool. Don't know about PVC glue, but I should have plywood and some larger pieces of wood.
Hash, I may just come over. I got to create some CD boxes. Got some plywood or sturdy cardboard and PVC glue and appropriate cutting tools?
Eric: Soz but I might be out for this Saturday. (Akuna bay, Akina Mountain, hmmm still eems sus XD)
Lolz, Hash, I really did "accidentally" find those locations...while I was searching for Akuna Bay...
I think the early morning would be the best time to do it. Its cooler and on the way back in the afternoon or something you can beach.
For some strange reason Eric, I think u should delete the word "accidententally".
After speaking to Kwong about the roads, I think a trip up north through those roads is in order... hence I call upon ALL drivers who wishes to participate in the Northern Cruise to RSVP on this blog. It will probably be around 100kays max, through windy roads, and you won't be having a full car. So fuel costs will probably be at your own expense, unless some wants to sit in as passengers and not drive...
Lolz, Hash.
My Pentax K100D Photo Gallery is open.
Of course Kwong!
At standstill, according to my trip computer, fuel consumption almost doubles with the aircon on. So yeah, I generally don't use the aircon anywhere below 90km/h, even with 40ºC Richmond weather.
Yea I was driving it harder than I usually would a lot of times, plus we had A/C on most of the time we were in the car.
Lolz, James, you know a Jin? The only Jin i know is in Tekken that juggles dudes in mid air with the occasional devil side coming out.
Petrol consumption on the Impreza is way poorer than the Golf about 420 Km on a 50L tank of premium. In peak hour traffic consumptions runs at about 7-8 km/L. Going to Katoomba and back went at about 9 km/L.
Nah, thanks to everyone for coming and making it a random yet successful session. Special thanks to KJ who still came out even though it was minimal to no notice.
Thanks to Benny for organising beach/soccer and then letting us crash at his place for a while. :)
LOL, I only just read your whole post Benny. The first time I looked only at the first few sentences and discarded the rest so I didn't pick up the reminder on ur tennis racket.
I still don't know how Soccer at Centennial Park turned into Northern Beaches, but I suppose we'll have to run with it.
I'm just up from a night of drinking...
And now for something unrelated to Macs and PCs..
Lolz, James, I just don't think knocking each other out till someone goes over the edge is real nice. I mean, ffs, we are all friends, 've known each other for at least 5 years. What's the point of doing that? Joking, knocking among friends is no problem at all, but just know the boundaries.
Gyahh, posting in wikiBulletin seems constricting.
Plans for tomorrow:
Shit, spain's iPod died too? that only makes Alexis' and James' one (which was stolen after a year of use) the only ones in the group that have survived without fault.
My god, guys play nice. Think the jokes seriously went overboard this time. Jokes are fine, but when people are stressing and fighting, it's time to stop. Hash, sorry to hear about your uncle's experience. Hope he's fine. And what's this Jin thing?
I just want to take this time to say that I still don't understand why Jin exists. His existence almost single handedly disproves the existence of God.
Which mac joke did James find funny? The right-click mouse button joke was good, but abused a lot so its lost much effect. Or is he talking about the one where all you say is: "Its a mac, you can't do this or that. Mac users can't do this or that, Mac users are retards. Mac users have no reason" on cycle? Yea coz that requires wit and smarts. You should go freestyle with that like Jin.
Speaking of beaches. I am for Palm Beach. If that is the case, anyone interested in tennis beforehand? And just curious Benny, who can't make it if it's one of the northern beaches? With all these people with new found means of transportation, I would think that getting there wouldn't be an issue.
Ripping on you for being brown is fun.
There was no point to asking if we think Hash should come back, since by asking that question you obviously think Hash has been off the blog long enough. Of course everyone would say something along the lines of Hash should come back while posting a couple of shots on his 'claymore' carrying darker shaded back.
What do you guys think? Should we let the token brown man come back, or does
Well now I am pissed. The only two works ever published with extensive information on foward flight aerodynamics for co axial helicopters are in freaking RUSSIAN!!!!!
Soccer CentennialPark 11am Saturday
Lolz, Kwong how did you guess? xþ. We are racing for "pinks" right? Oh, yeh, tennis this weekend. Anyone interested? I think kwong is organising right? :D