Yeh hash, the account was stripped, but its ok because blizzard can restore it all, just take a couple of days is all. thankyou for your help mang it woulda sucked if I lost the account
Der Wasserfall
Come in, relax, light a cigar and spend some quality time with your old friends. ;)
Saturday, December 30, 2006
Merry Pre-New Year!
Back at home and finally have a lifeline to the net.
Hope everything was fixed back to the way it was Spain.
Is anything happening tomorrow?
Friday, December 29, 2006
hash call me please, its fairly urgent bro. I think the wow account got keylogged at istar, OR kirill is playing a lame joke. but i'd prefer not to chance it, call me asap.
Tuesday, December 26, 2006
Revelation 1: Internet is scarce in Queensland.
Revelation 2: Parents came to Townsville coz they could classify it as a business trip
Revelation 3: Dad came to Queensland to cut down some coconuts.
Revelation 4: I miss Sydney and all the fun you had at KJ's house. (how did the draft go?)
Will be going on a deep cover mission till 28th. Over and Out.
P.S Merry Post Christmas!
Monday, December 25, 2006
Thanks for a great pre-christmas get-together KJ! I really wanted to stay longer, but I need to be home for christmas day happenings.
A Merry Christmas to all the readers of this blog, and all the best in your new year's endeavours, be it work, further study, travelling, or anything..
Hmm, my hippogryph ride should be done by now.. hope you guys are having fun at KJs!
It's circumstantial.
This summer break is I fear, a herald of the years to come. With people travelling overseas, working full-time, spending time with family.
This only made the time KJ's spent before Christmas Day that much more precious and enjoyable. It was a nice way to catchup with old friends not seen in a long while. Only more valuable for the fact that it will perhaps become a rare gathering of ecletic individuals.
Anyway besides rambling on at insane hours of Christmas, Just hope everyone a Merry Christmas and a year of fulfilled needs ahead.
P.S. beware of Giant Lobsters in swimming areas
Sunday, December 24, 2006
Saturday, December 23, 2006
Friday, December 22, 2006
hash is blik, and he thinks he's good at dota. I believe that covers everything we want and need to know.
Happy Christmas and New Years ppl.
I will be wasting my time on a trip to Townsville. Hope you all ahve fun at KJ's party and if u can hide (i.e from Spain and Benny) some of that chicken until I get back.
(P.S : Try not to damage the Coldsnap rares XD)
.... If anyone is a sophist here, it would be you James. Your job description demands it!
Besides, I am not attempting to use rhetoric as the prime argument for my critique of Benny and his inherant fake Jarodism. I use logic and reasoning. Benny stated that he 'can do some tricks on the snooker table'. Then he proceded to use an illogical conjunction to justify his implication that he is not a caker.
I reacted by telling him that to prove his statement he should enter in a 1v1 battle (which he ran from). I added an additional clause that I would admit his having skills (and his desultory comments at the snooker guy being justified) if he could perform any of those tricks that the snooker guy did.
In a half awake state sitting in front of the computers at the hostel in Toronto, I just had a chat with a project manager for Nike. She's from Holland and was deadset gorgeous...Well, that's it from my end.
Thursday, December 21, 2006
Once again, Benny's ability to perfom anything is completely independent of the poker guy's inherent merits.
You are ostensibly a 'bioINF' student, but you are nothing more than a sophist!
Wednesday, December 20, 2006
It's on! 1v1 Benny, and no "My Father!" afks
I will admit defeat if u can perform even 1 of those tricks Benny (in the same amount of tries as the guy in the vid)
The Jump tricks may have required some skill.
But the earlier position ones are decently easy Eric. No more than a days worth of practice.
And hash I can do some tricks on the snooker table and I've seen half of those performed on a snooker table.
As compared to the half sized pool table.
Hash don't talk, you've lost to KJ in a 1v1 while I've beaten Spain XD
I am with Benny on this one. The guy is a shamster. By the nature of his 'tricks', he is pre-ordained to be a small timer. Or he can do is entertain late night unemployed Japanese men.
This is easily my favourite question so far to the MBTI test Darren posted:
23. Facts —
a. speak for themselves
b. illustrate principles
It is the ultimate S/N question.
Test your movie knowledge, you movie buff guys.. I got 14/20
Benny, true it's all easy with the correct positioning and amount of skills. The thing is, it's fucking insane to be able to do those (You need skills to do it) and the amount of practice required is something that I think you have overlooked. The fact that he did it with that many people watching is already amazing (stress?). Yes, he fucked up two tricks, especially the last one. But, jumping a freaking ball without "spading it up" is hard enough, not alone shooting a coin into a cup two meters away.
Tuesday, December 19, 2006
Downgrading actions of others which he knows he will never had the skill to perform.
Ahh, refreshing to see Benny acts the same in all situations, not just in Dota.
Eragon watching is to happen tomorrow, It has been suggested that this movie is more bearable in groups.

That is so dodgy, most of those tricks are elementary positioning. All it requires is memory of the position and a miniscule amount of practice.
The performer doesn't even fucken get all his tricks right on the first go.
The only thing good about the clip is seeing the judges/celebrities. Especially Rokusaburo Michiba.
OMG...insane mofo. That's physics and maths for you...and pool.. INSANE
Sunday, December 17, 2006
Good news,, Kwong!
Saturday, December 16, 2006
Another Reminder for 24th guys
In case ppl can't remember where I live, its 93 Allambie Rd Allambie Hts. For those who like public transport, from Wynyard go to Stand C on Carrington St, catch any bus there that goes to MANLY VALE SHOPS. Once there gimme a call, and I should be able to pick youse up. For those who are coming, but don't use our blog, the Benny should be able to relay this information to you.
See ya there
Friday, December 15, 2006
The first time i saw an ad for Eragon was on a billboard near victoria rd to the city. I thought it was an ad for some strange HK fighting-type movie. The next I thought of it was that they misspelt dragon..
Thursday, December 14, 2006
Wednesday, December 13, 2006
Tuesday, December 12, 2006
Wow, congrats Alexis. Great marks.
KJ, I should be able to go to your party on the 24th. I'll be in the area on the 23rd too (Palm Beach). Can I crash at your place that night? Can't be bothered to go home after party. Lolz. Oh yeh, KJ, can i borrow one of your joysticks? I can't freaking chain combos on my PS2 joypads. I wann see if the joysticks are good before buying them. Damn KOF and SNK Chaos in freaking hard.
Monday, December 11, 2006
Update on 24th guys
I know I haven't been posting much lately, nor do I think other people rely on information posted here as such, but I REALLY REALLY NEED CONFIRMATIONS for ppl showing up. Wikibulletin is a waste of time, so just post a reply saying you can or can't come. (ppl overseas ignore this request)
And also, if you are coming, I need to know if there's anything you can't handle in terms of food etc. (e.g. peanut allergies, can't eat outside etc etc)
Nice marks Alexis!
However, marks count for shit when the triads, columbian drug cartels and various terror groups are beating the living daylights out of you coz u HAVEN't PAID UR DEBTS!
In case I dun see u till next year : Interest rates at 6.00% on an Xbox + $17 should amount to roughly an Nintendo Wii.
on a related note :
UNSW Assessment Results for Semester 2 2006
Issued at Thu Dec 7 16:20:08 2006
Session Course Title Result
S2 AERO3102 Aerospace Design 1B..............81 DN
S2 AERO3400 Analysis Aerospace Structure 1...70 CR
S2 AERO3610 Aerodynamics and Propulsion......80 DN
S2 MECH2102 Machine Design B.................57 PS
S2 MECH3000 Professional Responsibilities....89 HD
S2 MECH3330 Vibration Analysis...............84 DN
S2 MTRN3212 Principles of Control............89 HD
Term WAM: 78.750 Overall WAM: 75.554 Undergraduate
Provisional Academic Standing : Good Standing
I don't know. Just felt like posting it. I truly thought I was going to bomb this session. Though I would have hoped for much better, that is what you get when you are enfatuated for an entire session.
Sunday, December 10, 2006
Bored Aussies is down - quick we need some DOTA action.
I'll start it off ::
Hash: -apem
Hash has chosen All Pick / Easy Mode.
I'm sorry Alexis, I forgot that you did 4 Unit English and so u do not understand the meaning of sarcasm ...
btw Alexis - I think I have a New Years resolution for you - PAY UR DEBTS.
I believe that was Michael Caine Darren. And don’t listen to Hash, Casino Royale is brilliant. Jono is right on the money. I seriously doubt Ian Flemming ever dreamed that his novels would evolve into “catchphrase, hot chick, sex romp, gadgets, save the world, repeat” schlock. The Bond films are fun flimsy goofy films. Casino Royale was actually a real movie.
And if you have time, see the Descent before it leaves theatres. The references to Aliens, The Thing and Apocalypse Now are inspired. Not to the mention it has the most effective buildup of dread, claustrophobia and panic since Alien, despite its predictability.
Saturday, December 09, 2006
Yi: your new allegiance is 403: Forbidden. Censorship!
Casino Royale was no go for us on friday at burwood. ended up seeing the Prestige at Macquarie centre. A very disturbing movie, I never guessed that magic was so cruel. I did not expect the last twist at the end which revealed how 'that guy' did 'that version' of 'that trick', if you know what I mean. Alexis, who was the actor that played Mr Cutter?
this is my new allegiance. taken where the first meeting for the Communist Party of China was held. i'm now one of their comrades...
james, a girl is the daughter of my mum's friend from the army. though she's not Connelly material.
charlie? stick by the laws? sheeesh. anyway, you two should get in touch with the outside world (and me in particular!!).. i've sent you e-mails though i can't find a record of them on gmail no more. not sure if they got through or not, so i wrote another one and sent that last night. hope i didn't miss out on any details. i'm writing e-mails to your gmail charlie, and marc's UNSW account. don't have your gmail marc.
my casino royale was ruined.. thought i would experience the movie theatre of brunei. there were no surround sound, only stereo coming from two speakers behind the screen. fine. i can live with that. but then they go ahead and cut out all the good bits!!!! they didn't even finish rolling the credits either. one of the few times i intended to view all of the credits and they cut it off like 10 seconds into it. then went back to the hotel room and saw The World is Not Enough on cable tv and yet again, they cut out all of the intimate scenes. the last straw for brunei, it's a muslim country and hence it bans alcohol. o.O
I dunno Jono, sounds kinda gay - don't u remember the bit where Bond asks another man to scratch his balls.
Casino Royale is bloody brilliant! haha!
Just watched it last night with my friend Steve. Awesome Bond movie, one of the best yet, I'd venture.
Friday, December 08, 2006
Ouch John, I am hurt by ur comments.
So hurt, that I may be going today. If John is willing to apologize =P.
It turns out that i did get a HD for my thesis report, but my 10,000 words in 3 days for thesis A came back and bit me in the ass, with a paltry mark of 79 =(
Thursday, December 07, 2006
soz Kwong, no point in going anymore.
Blame Eric - he ruined the entire storyline, there is nothing else left now.
Onto some sad news -
Infernal Affairs killed my HD Thesis.
UNSW Assessment Results for Semester 2 2006
Issued at Thu Dec 7 16:20:08 2006
Session Course Title Result
S2 BINF4911 Thesis Part B....................84 DN (86.3 to 87.4 w/o penalty)
S2 MICR3051 Immunology 2.....................78 DN
Lolz, Hash, you've forgotten a few things. Add in:
Gets new gadgets, and a new car. Q (dunno how they gonna get him in) tells him not to screw up the car. He goes, yeh no worries but still end up trashing it. (How he get a Aston Martin Vanquish before his other Lotus and Astons is beyond me)
He sleeps with a villain chick along the way.
Let me just ruin the story so u won't have to go at all::
1. There is a new James Bond
2. He kills people and blows up things like the old James Bond
3. He meets a girl
4. The girl seems recalcitrant at first
5. He and the girl hook up
6. From points 3 - 5, he kills more ppl and blows up more things
7. He comes back from the brink of an extremely bad situation to KO the bad guy
8. End of Movie
Hey Yi:
Could you contact Marc and I via Email in the future. We're using crappy dial up internet in KL. Soon we'll leave this wretched place. Yes she can come along and no we don't mind her being a girl. Does she mind being with 4 guys? My cousin will come along, at least for part of the trip.
Don't worry about cost, just get us that permit! I will prefer we stick by the laws.
See you soon
Charlie (Marc's asleep)
Wednesday, December 06, 2006
Tuesday, December 05, 2006
hey charlie and marc,
i just called up the tibet tourist place.
apparently according to the rule books, you need to book a tour with a tibetian tour operator before the tourist bureau will issue a permit. haven't been able to contact the sales department so don't know how much it'll cost for an arranged tour.
i did ask if we can backpack and they said it is against the rules. but it has been done. and since we look like chinese, MAYBE, we won't get caught. so yeah, really up to you. :)
the other thing was, i've got a friend who wants to travel with us in china. not sure if you two will mind. charlie, if your cousin is coming with us already, then i think 4 guys will be a good number. but if he isn't, then would you guys mind my friend tagging along? she might have to leave early depending on funds and on specifics.. but i should tell her asap if she's welcome or not.
so i'll get in touch with the tibetian tour operator tomorrow and see if i can get a cheap "permit only" tour... but otherwise, we might have to settle for a rather more expensive trip in tibet.
and please tell me if you mind a girl (she's 24 i think) travelling with us.
hello. i'm looking for a cheap camera for happy snaps. as i know nothing about cameras or photography, looking for ease of use with reasonable value for money. hoping not go to over $500, certainly nothing like the dslr's that some of you have.
having done some very preliminary research, i've a shortlist of the sony dsc-t7 or t10, nikon coolpix L5 and canon powershot a710is. any comments on these and other recommendations?
Monday, December 04, 2006
The Movie will be at a Hoyts near you.
Eastgardens times ::
1pm, 3:45pm, 6:30pm and 9:15pm.
Entertainment Quater ::
10:20am, 3:50pm, 6:50pm, 9:30pm
Tomorrow The Prestige, somewhere, sometime, details forthcoming.
Starring Batman vs Wolverine.
More Details soon.
This will go on tomorrow even if it is a solo effort.
Call Scott Lamb Sellars for more details
Sunday, December 03, 2006
Movies! Who wants to see Casino Royale this friday? I doubt i can make any thursday session, so thats why friday. But for those of you who went bowling and have that movie voucher, we could postpone a viewing until next week monday, or you could all go watch it on its opening night leaving me to watch it some other time..
Possible venues: George St cinemas or Macquarie Centre.
Thanks Yi. While you're there, could you do us a favour?
I've checked with the China tourism office in Sydney and confirmed that we need something called an Alien's Travel Permit (along with Chinese visa) to get into Tibet. It takes up to two weeks to get the paperworks processed, by which time I'll no longer be in Sydney. Luckily, we can apply directly via Tibet Tourism Bureau. They have offices around China. I was wondering if you could give them a call and arrange the permit for 4? Here are some of the numbers you can call (got them off
Shanghai Office - 86-21-33130524 (close to you)
Chengdu Office - 86-28-3333988 (likely where we'll be before entering Tibet).
I also found their main office on the net:
No. 3 Norbu Lingka Road, Lhasa, Tibet, China
Also, if you want to meet us in HK and you want to get there early, you might like to give Edman a call, his number in HK is 63027273
Marc: I got your message, my flight arrives in KL at 8.50pm on Tuesday 5th December. See you at the airport.
Saturday, December 02, 2006
hey guys!
after a chinese special at shanghai airport, (read: military exercise, so we were diverted to hangzhou airport, waited for 2 hours, then flew back into shanghai), i'm safe and sound in hangzhou.
see you guys soon. :D
charlie and marc, my chinese number is: 13588851943
(though remember the dodgy chinese charge both way, when you make a call AND when you receive a call. o.O)
and it seems blogger is accessible from china so all good.
see you soon!
If the weather eases up I propose soccer tomorrow, meet at 10 (actually 10 cuz i won't wait XD ) at flemington station for soccer at airie park with ju's friends. Come all who are interested, and bring your A-game because I don't want to be trounced by a bunch of schoolie nerds!!
Wow, I never know about the TRS applies to citizens too. I thought it only applies to tourists. Have a good trip Jono. Come back with a few girls in arms and share...lolz j/k. Have a safe trip.
Hey Charlie, went to the US postal service today, it will cost $33 USD (like 45 AUD) to get the mail to you by Monday your time, so I think forget it. But thanks! :)
Kwong - can I ask you the same favour I asked Charlie? Just to claim my receipt (or 2) at the TRS at the airport when you fly?
Is your address, to confirm:
6 Kooranga Place
Normanhurst NSW 2076 ?
Then I'll just ship it by normal post. The TRS (Tax Refund Scheme) states you need to have bought the goods no more than 30 days before flying out. One $450 receipt was spent on Nov 23, and the other $550 receipt was spent Nov 25. If you're flying out Dec 24, I think you'll only be able to claim the $550 receipt (which is exactly 30 days from Nov 25). But you could ask them if they might do the $450 too, if you wanted.
Would you be happy to do that? We can split the $50 we get back in GST on $25 coffees or chocolates in Switzerland. :)
It's more worthwhile to claim than not to claim, is all. No matter where the money goes after that! :)
Friday, December 01, 2006
HMZ Drive Yards can be located at ::
Planet 16
Grand Avenue Solar System.
West Ryde Galaxy
Galactic Code 2114
Sweet, thanks Charlie.
Yeah thought about going Kwong's way instead, but conveniently, our packs were bought on Nov 23, and Kwong flies Dec 24, and there's a within-30 day limit on purchases. (ie need to have bought the goods within 30 days of leaving the country). So I wouldn't be able to claim the GST back on the packs (about $40).
But my sleeping bag etc (another $550) was bought on Nov 25, which might make it ok. But I'll see if express posting works over the weekend, and I'll let you know. Thanks heaps Charlie
Send it to 83 Vaughan Street Lidcombe,NSW 2141.
I'm flying out Tuesday, if I get it before that, I'll help you out.
On second thought, maybe you should mail it to Kwong, seeing that he's flying out on the 24th and that he's meeting you in London. That way you don't have to pay extra to go express post and he can pass the money on to you in London. Let me know what you want to do.
Hey guys,
Got to downtown SFO safely after quite a few nightmares, mostly starting at Sydney Airport.
Anyway, I'm paying $2 for 20 mins for this computer so just briefly for now:
Charlie: Can I ask you a favour? Also some advice. I couldn't claim my TRS (tax back) because I ran out of time at Sydney airport. I did get the important bit done though - going downstairs to the Customs Desk on the arrivals level (below the big green frog) and getting my receipts stamped, "Goods sighted".
If I express post you my receipts, could you claim my receipts along with your ones when you fly out on Tuesday? It's about $90 for me alone, so not peanuts. If so, could you pass me your address so I can mail it out ASAP?
This should work, since they don't need to see any of my goods (I have 2 receipts, both stamped). Then you just go through immigration and security and then go to the TRS office to do the actual claim.
Make sure you get to the airport *at least* 2 hours before the flight. I got there around 1:40 for my 3:15pm flight, had a huge queue and didn't get to actually put the claim down, only got the stamps.
Let me know if you have any questions about the claim process.
Okay, gotta run fellas, hope you're all doing well!