Apart from the fact that AT&T doesn't, to the best of my knowledge, offer any local telephone services here in Australia, just another example of stupid people passing on stupid forwards. But I guess if you are a business, it might be dangerous...
Der Wasserfall
Come in, relax, light a cigar and spend some quality time with your old friends. ;)
Monday, July 31, 2006
James, you never told me Nancy plays dota.
Received this email today. Ignore it, just me being bleak:
Please pass on. Confirmed by Telstra and Police Dept - Australia
This is a bit of a worry!
I got a call last night from an individual identifying himself as
AT&T Service technician who was conducting a test on our telephone
He stated that to complete the test I should touch nine (9),zero 0),
(#) and then hang up.
Luckily, I was suspicious and refused. Upon contacting the telephone
company, I was informed that by pushing 90#, you give the requesting
individual full access to your telephone line, which allows
them to place long distance telephone calls billed to your home
I was further informed that this scam has been originating from many
the local gaols/prisons.
DO NOT press 90# for ANYONE. PLEASE pass this on to your friends.
If you have mailing lists and/or newsletters from organisations you
connected with, I encourage you to pass this on.
Stephen COOPER
Detective Senior Constable 29748
Victoria Police State Crime Squads
Level 12, 412 St. Kilda Road, Melbourne
(03) 9865 2663 or 0414644499
What the fuck is going on?
Everywhere, infesting everything... it is worst than germ warfare...
All my aero friends, even the hard working ones, don't show up. Where are they? Playing dota till 6 am. I just found out the girl I am interested in was playing dota today!!!!!!
I got my plate full this session (less time for dota). Just had a meeting with my supervisor and he described work for the subject as being a research position for the centre.
Me and this other girl doing this basically chatted with him (well he did most of the talking) about IT, Law and the subject for around 2-3 hours and it was pretty intense and hard to keep up. In the conversation were words and phrases most familiar like Extreme/Pair Programming and Total Quality Management. Phrases I thought I'd never hear again, let alone in a law subject!
He was basically using them in context of law and being able to port over these design and programming concepts from comp over to policy and legislation making and it was quite fascinating trying to comprehend it. Then he started talking about when project management fails and how hard it really is to do it completely right. He gave an interesting example solution that is to get the biggest mistakes out first so as to prevent them from creating too much damage later on and likened it to the Cambrian explosion. Who would have thought reading A Short History of Nearly Everything could actually be of practical use to me?!
So its gonna be pretty hectic this session practically doing 3 jobs (only one on payroll :'C ) and dota on top of study. The irony is that my sister did the same thing when she took on more jobs in her final year and I thought she was silly for doing so.
Spain - Games start next week, not this week. Just so you don't turn up to UNSW for no real reason. But there are regular outdoor Tuesday soccer games (1pm and 4pm) that I often join on the physics lawn/Village Green!
number is 0402 876 434
Wait because I still need to check regarding the student status. Will get back to you
Hey Jonno I'm good for tomorrow and will be at UNSW on time, but i can't find your number, post it for me or ill get it from benny this afternoon, but count me in.
Also, feel free guys to turn up for Russian soccer on Saturday, its good fun and a nicely paced game, not too fast not too slow.
Spain - I need confirmation from you that Tuesday 12-1pm indoor soccer at UNSW is good with you?
Benny's in.
So far confirmed are:
and Probably:
you (Spain)
Nathan (from Physics)
Juan(from Physics, south american too, must be awesome right)
A reminder also it costs $20 for the semester, which I think is pee-wee amounts. :)
It doesn't say anything about needing to be a UNSW student, or a member of the Sports Association...which is a bit odd. May need to ask about that.
Let me know asap, will enrol the team today or tomorrow, thanks!
Thanks for the RNP photos guys!
Sorry I couldn't make it guys, especially since you guys waited up. No real excuse for not making, hopefully I'll make it up next time.
Me and Jono are up for soccer on Saturday at 10:30 with the russian guys at Centennial Park.
Couple of things.
The Russians are mostly middle aged to their 80s...
So if you've a self esteem problem about being more unfit don't come... Nothing more depressing when you're out of breath before an Octogenarian is. (Well that's how I felt...)
Most of them wear boots and shinpads. However do not take this as an indication as that they play rough. I did not get hit on my shins once while I played with them. If I'm feeling particular brave I will probably play without pads and can lend mine. Me and Spain didn't play with soccer boots and just did it with normal shoes which was fine.
Interesting tidbit, I got told off by one of them for playing too hard XD. (I know outrageous isn't it).
One final note...
The Russians all (there's a scottish guy as well) do what I do normally... They yell... They yell so much I quake in my boots. We won't have a friendly interpreter but I agree with Kirill (russian friend) that all russians are like that and they like yelling. So don't take it personally if they point at you and talk in groups like they did at Spain XD
But yeah it'll be great fun so please come if you love soccer as much as half of how much Jono loves it. XD
Sunday, July 30, 2006
Thanks Jono for such an awesome trip. Apologise for the lil drive home experience to Yi, Alexis and Charlie. I realised how tired i was when i got home at 3am this morning and went into a coma within 5 minutes and didn't wake up till 1pm. Anyway, I'll upload the insane Kookaburra shots soon. Let's have another soccer game this weekend! My leg is almost 100% now...=D
EDIT: Who knows how to make a moving gif? For some strange reason, it displays as a gif on camera and some Sony Software, but it's in frames when displayed in all other programs? I'll upload onto flickr and you guys can handle it. :)
The Attack of the Kookaburra
Jono's Triumph (over something) -.-
The Serenity Part I
The Serenity Part II
How about a thanks to everyone for making it possible? Without you (yes, you!!) it just wouldn't have been the same.
thanks jono and whoever else helped organise yesterday.
don't apologise about falling asleep, i wish i had a camera to capture the drool from your mouths though.
This one of two kookaburras that snatched food from my hands. The first one wing buffet'ed me in the face and the second one scraped my thumb and almost pierced it.
Orsome day yesterday!
Thanks Eric and John for driving.
Apologies to John for making u drive while the rest of us slept =P.
Eric - can u put the bird shots up so everyone will believe weren't lying about the divebomber Kookaburra's
Saturday, July 29, 2006
Great moments in sport: Italy please take note
(note this is nothing against alexis/james, just a cool article)
Hope ya guys enjoyed yourself today, thanks for coming! Thanks to John and Eric for driving and to Hash/Spain/Marc for letting me shotgun on the way home so I wasn't caught among all this dota-talk! Much appreciated :)
Bushwalk I think was good (rainforesty) but not all *that* scenic (sorry photographers), so hopefully next time we can do a coastal walk, especially as it warms up!
Hope y'all got home safely.
Sorry you couldn't make it Darren/Benny, we were on a bit of a schedule as you might understand. Next time. :)
Awesome link Darren, cool photo of you on it!
Yay, RNP!
I'll just meet you guys at Central at 8am, assuming the Eddy ave side..
Now in some unrelated news.. I am mentioned and pictured here in relation to my uni job.. hooray. Its going to be finished in September..
alright cool 3 cars. Eric called me.
As far as I'm aware, Eric's taking Benny, Charlie, Hash straight away, and meeting us all at Hurstville Coles at 8:45am.
as for John and myself we'll still meet at Central
Late message.
Friday, July 28, 2006
Awesome! Now that we've got 3 cars, i will join you. Though it would be more economical to crank the number up to 15. Eric I will call you in the morning.
Sorry boys for the MIA. I've been pretty busy with the 50% assignment due today. Anyway, I thought I have shown interest in bringing my car. Do we need a third car? If not, then I'll just bum a lift off you guys. Please give me a call if you do need a 3rd car. I won't be at home after 8:30pm. Oh, and if you do need my car, can i meet you guys down at the maccas near blakehurst? It will be closer for me. I will call you Jono, for an itinery.
mangz, wheres the soccer mangz?
also, i'd like an independant list of who's down for dotaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa afterwards.
Fantastic, thanks John.
Can every body meet at Central at 8am? To make it easy, we'll meet in front of CFN, and John and I will have our cars there.
We'll stop at Coles/Woolworths on the way down, since I suspect most people won't have food prepared yet.
Wear some comfortable walking shoes (running shoes are fine) and bring a picnic blanket if you have one. Bring a small backpack to carry your food/blanket and a water bottle if you like. Also cameras etc.
Timing is reasonably critical since Eric has to be back in the city I presume around 4:30 ish.
RNP is 32 km south of Sydney, just below Sutherland. Shouldn't have many traffic issues if we head off from Central at 8am, so please be on time. Rough, conservative plan looks like this:
8am leave central
8:30 Coles
9:30 leave Coles
10:30 RNP visitor's centre to get a map, and a quick walk.
4:00pm start to head off from RNP.
I'm thinking we'll do the short bungoona walk (1km, 30-min) from the visitor's centre, which is pretty scenic and easy. Then drive further south (maybe 30 min drive) to the bottom end of the park, have a picnic, then walk the Forest Path (4.5km, 1.5 hrs).
Following are brief descriptions of the walks, sourced from here
Bungoona Path
1 km, 30 minutes, easy
For a taste of a typical ridgetop landscape, follow this path from the national park visitor centre to Bungoona Lookout. The lookout gives you panoramic views of the national park and the Hacking River.
Forest Path
4.5 km, 1.5 hours, easy
This first-class loop track gives you a real taste of the Royal National Park rainforests. The track will take you across the lower slopes of Forest Island, a hill which has been isolated by the valleys of the Hacking River and Bola Creek which almost surround it. It starts immediately south of Bola Creek, near the southern end of Lady Carrington Drive (where car parking is available).
Please let me know if you can, or if you can't, make the 8am at Central outside CFN.
Should be a fun day
Okay - again, who can drive?
And suggestions for food for lunch?
The easiest suggestion I have is - cans of tuna, loaf of sliced bread. Regular bushwalking-style food. Can add a cucumber or tomatoes if you want to get fancy. Snackfood like trail mix (nuts/sultanas/etc), regular fruit (apples, pears), muesli bars are all good. There won't be *heaps* of walking, just a bit. Unless you want to walk some more. Whatever people want, we can do. Check out the link below for a few more details.
Sheesh - check out the weather for the next 5 days
(Basically - very very sunny, and 20 deg C!)
Look here for a taste of some of the short bushwalks, from 30 mins to longer.
Pretty cool. (Sourced from here)
Charlie - when do you start?
Thursday, July 27, 2006
Today I can say that it is absolutely too small a world (or university at least).
On my lunch break (1/2 hr) I met Jono, 2 people from old church and fungus.
Turns out Angela's husband-to-be Monkol (work colleagues) is tight with my cousin.
I served a girl at the front desk with amazingly prominent blue eyes (which is why I remember her). Before you ask, shes alright, but her eyes are amazing. ^^ Let me catch my breath... When I went to class turned out she was in the same class (even though I remember her profile not being LLB).
On my bus ride home I saw that crazy nuclear physicist turned tax consultant who grilled me at the desk a few weeks ago. I tried to look somewhere else.
Haha orsome Charlie!!!!!
Looks like there is work abound @ UNSW in every place cept CSE.
For those NBHS old boys, met Wiley yesterday - he was just picking up his recently bought Swiss-Steel Katana.
He is also working at USyd ICT Centre.
So everyone is getting a job nowadays
Come, bring your laptop Charlie.
Previously you were cash and asset poor. Now you can be cash poor and asset rich.
You Champion Charlie! Congratulations! haha that's awesome!
Robert webster is a pretty central building at UNSW. I'm at uni pretty much every day, though Mondays are optional atm, but I come in anyway (unless I'm working)
What are your work hours? Let's do lunch.
Don't know, Kwong is busy sat so i asked him about sunday availability but no response yet.
Who can drive? I'm not sure of many details atm.
What are the details for RNP? itinerary, time of departure and return etc? who's driving? Looks like you've got enough for two carloads assuming Benny is in. Is Kwong coming?
On a different topic, I have been accepted to work, on 3 months probation, at the Robert Webster building at UNSW. I'll be working two days a week (Monday and some other day that's not Tuesday). What days are you guys at Uni? We might meet up for lunch or something.
Wednesday, July 26, 2006
I'm gonna be busy Saturday night clubbing, but if RNP is in the daytime and finishes decently early I'm still in.
Anyone wanna organise it? XD
Tuesday, July 25, 2006
Marc - get the next ep of Pimp my Ride.
They r pimping a Toyota Celica 1990 model, similar to my car (the deathtrap hatchback) and the '86
This may interest you. No doubt Yi would have already read it :p
Monday, July 24, 2006
You should have taken down the licence plate of the beemer. That would probably be the only thing you could do.
If it was bumper to bumper traffic then you should have been looking ahead :)
Spain: Gilly gileeh.
Baby animals (especially those with fur) look really ugly when they're small. Look at my rabbits, I've had several people say they're disgusting to look at. Its only when they grow hair that they get cute.
Same thing with my cousin: he's 2yo and I didn't find him cute until now, now that he can walk and talk primitively. He hates vegetables and its so funny and slack watching everyone trying to feed it to him. He shrugs his head away and says "No!" in a high pitched voice (like Ike from SP). And if you persist he starts crying XD
He's a pretty cute looking kid now - a real square jaw in the making.
When will the RNP finish this Saturday? I have a 21st to go to at around 6:30pm in West Pennant Hills so I'll have to leave at around 4:30pm to go home and change. Other than that, it should be fine.
On another note, I nearly got into another accident today. I was driving on Parra Road when a BMW (02 model i guess) decides to brake REAL late. After my previous accident, I've learnt not to tail gate, hence I was able to stop after locking my wheels. The guy behind managed to stop in time as well, but the person behind him wasn't so lucky. I heard a bump and hence I thought I got hit. I got out, and looked at my dirty bumper with nothing on it. It was a relatively small bump for the guy behind me, but I feel really bad for causing the accident. I drove away unscathed, but man! I really do feel bad for the person behind me.
Im not sure if that link will work, but here goes. The lilac is called Seline the brown is Inara, they are still at their mum's place we can't by law have them till they are about 10weeks old. They are 3weeks now... sadfacex10
Im up for saturday RNP, lets make it so. oh yeh, dota after?
Are people available this coming Sat July 29?
Thinking RNP then. Let us know if you can, thanks again.
PS Soccer was good fun today, quite long in duration but good fun
Sunday, July 23, 2006
well 4 hours of soccer later I think everyone had a wonderful day. One question, WHERE WERE JAMES AND YI??? I'd like a full A4 page apology with a full explanation of why you couldnt attend this event.
Damn Gilly was sweet. Pity she was taken, i would've backed her truck up all night long *que's Ruby Rod voice* "all night longggg, all nighttttt"
well soccer starting at 1:30 indicates that we r not gonna get much CFN in before hand
so prolly meet up for soccer and then CFN afterwards
Marc - down for early arvo soccer? :)
I will very likely go to 6:30pm service at uni too, and should be driving into the city for soccer. So come along if you're keen, should be good.
Saturday, July 22, 2006
James: I was fat in High School until I did COMP 1A.
Spain: I hate cats
I just got stirred by a loud noise in the backyard. Turns out it was the possum pushing open a lid to the grain tub. He just stood in the tub with a fist full of food chewing and staring at me. This continued for about 1/2 minute before he started digging in again. I had to shoo him away with a lid. Damn they're ugly bastards when they use their hands to eat.
ill be at cfn at any time tomorrow, just tell me and ill be there. Be ready for LOTS of soccer also guys. man its gonna rock. should we think about bringing drinks etc? i can start it off with something if we're gonna be playing a while.
Shame about the cancellation of RNP tomorrow... the weather seems fine to me.
So CFN tomorrow then soccer? What time CFN? Who do we have? James, Spain, Hash, Yi?
Sounds good by me! Central park soccer from 1:30ish onwards then hey? Will give you guys a call when I'm heading out there.
so liek it sounds like we should start at central park at 1:30, or we start earlier and you should come asap before we all die of exhaustion.
Let's do it!
Except I just found out I have lunch yum-cha with my grandpa tomorrow at 11. I'll be ready to meet up probably from about 1:30 onwards, whereever we meet
so, soccer tomorrow? Fucking oath boys lets do this, Central Park 11 tomorrow, anyone object, i'll wait for a more informed person to finalise plans before i try to lock anything in, but gawd i been looking forward to some exercise all week.
In other news, I bought a cats. Two, one brown one lilac, burmese girl kittens. They are currently 2-3 weeks old and are GORGEOUS, i'll be picking them up in about 6weeks. Piccies to come once i have some.
Yes, let's do something on Sunday. The weather has had too much influence on the will of free men. Hash, care to book a tennis session? If the weather fails, we can fall back to indoor activity interpolated between Monopoly, Poker or others.
Who canhost Sunday morn-afternoon?
I'll be free until late afternoon, then I'll have to pick up Nancy.
Kiera doesn't excite you because you've been looking at that jaw for over twenty years -- every morning when you look into the mirror!
Lets do something on Sunday, it would suck to do nothing day before OUR LAST SEMESTER COMMENCES!!!!!
Keira has nice skin but I'm not sure how much of that is makeup/foundation (from the movie). Shes very good looking but nothing to get excited about IMHO.
Congratulations James! It's all finally happening, and too bloody soon! Farewell, may it not be.
I completely agree on Keira.
I've just come back to Sydney, and as for this Sunday, good news - again it's not looking good. Kwong, Eric, James, and John all can't make it from what I hear, and Charlie mentioned the weather looks unpredictable again.
Anyway at this rate, perhaps we'll need to leave it for now. Possibly next Saturday, not necessarily because of our birthdays but just as a different group outing.
Sorry for the late notice, I was well out of the loop until today.
It's ok Darren. Hope you feel better. And Keira Knightley is definitely hawt....*drool* But I think she's only hot in the Pirates movies.
Hi Folks,
I have been asked many times recently when I'm leaving. I'm heading for China on Tuesday but will come back on the 8th of August. If all goes well, I plan to head to the US in mid-August.
A leaving (let's not call it fairwell!) party is definitely in the works. It'll probably land somewhere between the 11th and 15th of August. Will let you guys know once things crystalize.
Nancy's coming back on Sunday so I probably won't be able to join you guys.
Have fun and happy birthday to Jono, Hash and Gary Tarolli!
Thursday, July 20, 2006
Sorry again for the no-show Eric.. hopefully I'll feel good enough to walk/run around on Sunday..
A strange thing I saw in the city while walking along George st was a lady-like person open a newly bought toothbrush and proceed to brush her (i think it was a her) teeth with it while waiting for the traffic lights, then while walking..
Marc, I was referring to this "Unless larger numbers are more valued, I think you may have your priorities confused."
Anyways, I am yet to be paid of my winnings in the second round! I believe I've made good use of my commerce degree and held my grounds from a notable comeback in the first round. Don't believe I broke even when I have lost all my blacks in a very "WTF did i do" hand against Benny.
And GAWDDAM!...what kinda RAM is this?! You sure they didn't mean yen or something?!
That RAM is targeted at this Cisco router. Though it probably wouldn't hurt to just buy a stick of regular non Cisco DDR RAM for like $50, stick it in the system and hope that you won't have to fork out $2.6K on eBay to buy Cisco RAM... But then again, it probably wouldn't matter too much to the guys who's forking out wallops of dough for those routers.
Was looking at RAM on eBay and they displayed
this as a relevant item on the sidebar. As far as I can tell, this bargain is for one stick.
Wednesday, July 19, 2006
i think of bentham in both senses. at first i wonder what ever happened to utility, surely utility is not maximised if you stop 8 cars to let 1 car to pass. but then i wonder how long that car has been waiting for, and how much utility the driver of that car gains from stopping the 8 cars.
not that i subscribe to the bentham way of thinking anyway.
every time i see traffic on a main road stop at a traffic light (including me) to let one car pass on a side street, i think of bentham.
Hmm, Marc, now that I've read your msg, it sounds like an ethical theory called unitarianism (excuse the spelling...could be wrong). It's basically something that a person will do if the majority is satisfied, and not really concerned with the minority. OR it's something that Bentham would say.
Silly Butters, of course bigger is better la~.
And Yi, nice find. I read it a few days ago. Just compare Bob and Tony's answers. Our fella is just...*better*. =D
IF you are free tonight and want to come out for dinner and possibly poker (if i can manage to find a place) would anyone be interested in hanging out in the city from 7 onwards? The idea came up at aroudn 3am in the morning hence the lack of organisation. I will give the usual people a call at around 1pm. If i didn't call you, it's not because I don't like you. It's only because your name has slipped my mind OR I just don't have your number (most likely reason). And Alexis, you are one of them. Hence I will get someone else to call you.
Extremetech have a series of articles talking to the people behind DX10. In Part 2, we turned our attention to the GPU manufacturers, interviewing ATI's CTO of the PC Business Group, Bob Drebin. Of course, asking one GPU manufacturer about its DX10 ideas is only getting half the story, so today we present an interview with Nvidia's Vice President of Technical Marketing, Tony Tamasi.
Anyone we recognise?
Unless larger numbers are more valued, I think you may have your priorities confused.
I saw this on an Asus notebook as part of the specs: DVD Supermulti burner. They so desperately wanted to say Superdrive that it was on the tip of their tongue.
Tuesday, July 18, 2006
Electrical bubblefish must be more abundant than I thought. Stems from a common source...
You're lovely lady lumps?
Because of that stupid stack, I can still come and enjoy the scenery but I may be out of commission for a bushwalk. I remember last time I got owned by my fone it took a while to stop hurting so I will probably have to take it easy for a while.
Mmm lump on my thigh.
I did not make the link first. Jono did. He said something along the lines of "other than pasta and pizza, there's nothing to like about Italy."
I am going to work for NVIDIA, so I did end up in a computer engineering job! =P
You'd be surprised, James. You think electric bubblefish has a climate of someone training in law? XD
Lawyers are not interested in climates nor are they interested in ideas and the bigger picture. They want the facts dammit! Besides you established the connection from football to food first. Hows that for a climate of unreason.
Stacking on one's mobile is very unpleasant. In the beginning, I was in extreme pain and felt sleepy strangely enough, now its lulled to a very painful bruise. The sad thing is that its not the first time. I think it was my 3 brickfone before. I'm no longer leaving my mobile in my pocket if I can help it. My thigh muscle! Gimme some goddamn Vicodin!
How an Engineer would explain Charlie's Msg
"A machiavellian is someone who believes the ends justify the means"
One's training often has little to do with what one eventually becomes. Much like a certain computer engineer suddenly became a philosopher and a chef =). Is anyone ever what they appear?
Always a joy to chat with Alexis:
[03:28] Bonobo: i finished ender's game last night, pretty much read the whole book in one day
[03:28] Bonobo: quite an achievement for me lol
[03:28] Alexis Nicoletti: that good?
[03:29] Bonobo: yeah it kept me interested, but also partly because it's easy read
[03:29] Bonobo: it's a children's book no?
[03:30] Alexis Nicoletti: yeah, a kid beating to death two of his peers is a children's book
[03:30] Bonobo: lol good point
[03:31] Bonobo: my favourite quote, which i probably wouldn't have picked up if the recent debate on reason and the Italians wasn't there
[03:32] Bonobo: "Fairness is a wonderful attribute, major Anderson. It has nothing to do with the war"
[03:32] Alexis Nicoletti: that exemplifies what I believe when it comes to competing
[03:33] Bonobo: then you are a machiavellian
[03:33] Bonobo: i don't like you =)
[03:33] Alexis Nicoletti: yes you do
[03:33] Alexis Nicoletti: people like me are the reason why the world goes foward
[03:34] Bonobo: exactly how a machiavellian would justify his actions
[03:34] Alexis Nicoletti: lol... I guess we will never understand each other....
do you want the next in the series?
[03:37] Bonobo: oh i understand you, i also respect machiavellians for what they can do, i just don't like them =)
[03:37] Bonobo: yes please
Yeah okay Butters -- Italian footall is corrupt, therefore their pasta must suck. I'm sorry but that lacks even the climate of someone with training in law.
Monday, July 17, 2006
Boys...everyone's noodles are great...unless the dude can't cook it. I mean, Phu Dat Bic managed to turn a humbuger into Foe. As long as the dude can cook, anything can be out of this world. Lolz.
Jono/Kwong/Hash...I might have to sit out of the RNP thing. Unless I stop sneezing/coughing by Saturday.
frig off!
Just because you invented noodles doesn't mean you own all noodle products noob.
Does this mean all drawings are stolen from Cavemen since they started with cave drawings?
john, are you saying you rather pasta over pho? (the viets ripped it off us too! thieves everywhere)
Has next Sunday been locked in? I have a preference for Saturday purely to allow for sleeping in on Sunday. :) Travel arrangements to RNP should be the main issue. We should all meet up at Jono's place beforehand?
Jono, you want to come visit? :)
And look at what the Americans have done with it! Made it widely available to all Wal-mart customers. :D
As a note I'm away this week out west at Kurrajong (near Richmond) and will be back Friday afternoon.
I won't be able to plan much for RNP until then, but RNP should be a relatively simple affair. It'll most likely be a picnic (unless there are other ideas?), so bring sandwiches/cans of tuna etc for simplicity, or we can bring other stuff to share like buy some woolies cakes/chips etc. Post your ideas up otherwise, and add your name to the wiki!
I'll have my mobile. Have a great week all!
pasta may or may not have originalted from china, but look what the italians have done with it.
just like how the chinese are so proud to have invented gunpowder.
LOL@Hash, Charlie, Marc and James.
1. I love this argument! So hilarious. Also especially after the big news paper articles about Italian soccer scandals etc with Juventus, AC Milan, Fiorentina and Lazio, along with 13 of the 23 world cup players for Italy's team. Totally a climate of unreason :)
I do love pasta though.
2. That movie Beyond the Sea Charlie looks awesome. Kate Bosworth. Man.
2. So much for calling off RNP due to crap weather today. Blue skies. w00t.
So yeah at this point it should be next sunday, just a day out at RNP. I haven't deleted the names on the wiki so if you can still make it that'll be great :) If you can't, please let us know
Given the current state of Italian football, I think a climate of unreason is well warranted in retrospect.
Sunday, July 16, 2006
The climate of reason has been supplanted by the climate of passion since the time of the original sin. Your unstinting support for the Italians, has it got something to do with your love of their cuisine?
And www.inmamaskitchen.com? Hardly a reliable source.
He sings, he acts, he directs
Gay ref
This would've been nice
Lol Marc, that guy is such a pussy. Tupac would've opted a colourful, albeit short life, over one that is endorsed by convention.
The romantic myth that Marco Polo brought pasta on his return from China has long been debunked. Our friend, Marco, returned in 1295 after twenty-odd years of travel away from Italy. In 1279, however, a Genoese soldier listed in the inventory of his estate a basket of dried pasta ('una bariscella plena de macaronis').
That's all beside the point of course. Pasta is something so simple that it's almost certainly discovered independently by various people at various times. There is no certainly as to who came up with it first. The only certainly is the climate of unreason that is prevailing since Italy's victory at the world cup.
I agree with Charlie.
I find it ironic that you think the world of foreign Italian cuisine without regard to Chinese when every Chinese person knows it is sourced from them and would not exist if it were not for an exploratory thief :p
The nation also brings you pizza, pasta, lasanga, risotto, polenta, osso buco, gelato, mozarella and parmigiano reggiano.
The nation also brings you pizza, pasta, lasanga, risotto, polenta, osso buco, mozarella and parmigiano reggiano.
What would you expect from the country that gave us the French Foreign Legion, which were essentially mercenaries until defined otherwise by Geneva Conventions..
The Legion's HQ was based in Algeria until 1962.
Thank you Wikipedia.
"Italy's all-white team, from a largely devout Catholic populace, has won against a France team that sacrificed its own identity by lining up blacks, Islamists, and communists to get results."
Roberto Calderoli, vice-president of the Italian senate...
From the people who brought you MS Word:

Edit: Chappelle's Show is back for a third season. Nothing else in life matters right now...
Edit again: sorry to alarm everybody. Its only clips of the propsed 3rd season. Heres an interesting piece of trivia: according to wikipedia, the author claims that Chappelle's Show DVD Season 1 is the best selling TV show DVD of all time, outshining The Simpsons, Family Guy, Friends, and Seinfeld.
For you Charlie
Saturday, July 15, 2006
Jono: Your 'Also bloody hilarious' link is just that. Also, well done on the HDs.
I will not consider Buffon to be the world's best goalkeeper until he has done this
Regarding the RNP outing.. next weekend is better for me (both days are fine), this weekend is occupied with studying for a supplementary exam.
Awesome day: Star, Soccer and Pirates!
I could recognise Bill Nighy's voice and sort of his face through all that CG on Davy Jones. Amazing!
Good movie, but like I said to Jono and Yi, not as fun as the first one. The best thing I liked about it was the creation of innovative hybrid of sea creatures and humans to produce Davy's crew.
We didn't see that part: "After the credits there is a brief sequence showing the cannibals have now adopted the stowaway key-taunting dog from the first movie as their new chief."
Hey John, sorry for the late notice. Just got home.
To be honest, RNP is looking like next Sunday 23rd. I made the call earlier today since the weather forecast for this sunday keeps changing between "rain clearing" and "rain". Saturday (today) will also see apparently a fair bit of rain, which'll make it damp most weekend.
So to avoid dampness and to give people enough notice, I think Sunday 23rd is best. I am happy to make it this Sun but at this rate, to organise where in the RNP we'll go, food etc, I thought notice may be a bit late.
If people are keen to make it this Sunday, shout out and I'm sure we could make it happen. If it's next Sunday, then my apologies for the late notice if you can't make it John.
In other news, the week in review
Also bloody hilarious
Friday, July 14, 2006
Haha for once I might just agree with Alexis. After all, it isn't about Soccer. :)
Also James - the 6UoC Management for Engineers is not a dubious subject. There's a good reason they leave it to 4th year to do! Kept me up for many a late night. :)
Those grades did not come easy! *flames james*
Sorry guys I just woke up, and my phone is out of batteries so please excuse my absence. This World Cup has really screwed my sleeping patterns. I'll try to make it, but first I must collect my new pair of glasses from Campsie. The current ones do not help me at all, now that I found out that I am gradually loosing my vision and I need a new pair every year and not every two years.
Thank you James. Though please stop it with this superior/inferior crap. It is all about hard work. Jono knows this, just look at the stark contrast between his first year and second year marks. Besides, coupled with the fact that I enjoy what I am doing, it becomes exponentially easier to achieve great things (though I was expecting higher for aero design :)).
Congratulations on the fine results this semester Alexis. It looks like you may not be 'inferior' to Jono afterall. Speaking of which, nice 90 WAM Jono, though the subjects are most dubious to say the least. :D
Thursday, July 13, 2006
UNSW Assessment Results for Semester 1 2006
Issued at Thu Jul 13 16:55:05 2006
Session Course Title Result
S1 AERO3101 Aerospace Design 1A..............88 HD
S1 AERO3620 Flight Dynamics and Systems.........WD
S1 AERO3610 Aerodynamics and Propulsion......85 HD
S1 MECH2101 Machine Design A.................75 DN
S1 MECH3203 Engineering Experimentation A....83 DN
S1 MECH3211 Linear Systems Analysis..........62 PS
S1 MECH3400 Mechanics of Solids 3............78 DN
Term WAM: 78.500 Overall WAM: 73.523 Undergraduate
Provisional Academic Standing : Good Standing
UNSW results are out in your unimail accounts.
haha Charlie - RNP will happen on either Sunday 16th or 23rd. Will decide tonight, based on weather considerations.
Session Course Title Result
S1 GENS8002 Sports Perf.& Injury Prevent'n...90 HD
S1 MANF4430 Management for Engineers......90 HD
S1 MECH4003 Thesis A............................SY
Term WAM: 90.000 Overall WAM: 76.745
How can one man be so sexy? Damn he's handsome.
I agree with his mum, too. Balls on a platter I say.
Haha silly Kwong. Stressful at work hey? :)
Nah, 'tis good to have some time off. After only 3 attempts I get 36 red cards. Is there an aim to the game? :)
Silly raft game.
Rain may be clearing up this Sunday
Weather 1
Weather 2
Will confirm which day RNP will be on probably Thursday night tonight, to give people enough notice if it is this Sunday, once weather forecast gains confidence.
Kwong were you free both this sunday and the next?
I have this down for people atm:
Sunday 16
Def free: Yi, James, John, Hash, Jono
Def no: Alexis
Sunday 23
Def free: Yi, Alexis, Jono
Unsure: James
Def no: John
If anyone's not listed on both days you haven't told me yet.
Also, Benny and I (and Spain?) are now playing soccer this Saturday at 10am at Centennial Park! Let us know if you're keen. You don't really need boots or shinpads, just a sense of enthusiasm!
Wednesday, July 12, 2006
Char (80%)
KJ (50%)
MIA/Awaiting proof of life:
Anyone else from 21st STAR Platoon, lost on Char...
cfn 11am, friday. All welcome all expected. and none of this "if he goes ill go" shit.
Be a man, Do the right thing!
11 CFN Friday. Be there or be worse than square. star, dods, dota, bf2, cs and whatever else the crowd wants at the time.
Was doing this at work today
The following rules apply:
* Only 2 persons on the raft at a time
* The father can not stay with any of the daughters without their mother's presence
* The mother can not stay with any of the sons without their father's presence
* The thief (striped shirt) can not stay with any family member if the Policeman is not there
* Only the Father, the Mother and the Policeman know how to operate the raft
To start click on the big blue circle on the right.
To move the people click on them. To move the raft click on the pole on the opposite side of the river.
Tuesday, July 11, 2006
Ok, will probably have to shift RNP outing to Sun July 23 - the day before uni resumes (for UNSW students), 1.5 weeks from now.
It's raining all this weekend. I can't guarantee it won't rain next weekend, but I'm guessing people won't be too keen on doing stuff outdoors if it rains this weekend?
Let me know if you have any gripes and if you can or cannot make it on Sun July 23. Cheers
Also, the accenture adventure thing looks very much enticing. Except I don't wholeheartedly qualify for the 5th point - A genuine interest in IT. Mmmm. Maybe will still apply.
I remember where they bloody well used that opening theme from Lord of War (the opening sequence showing the ammo)...Three Kings. And what better way to listen to it than playing BF2. Well maybe if I was playing BF Vietnam
Subject: Anyone know of anyone who will be interested in a VB/ASP .NET role?
Hi All,
As the subject suggests, I'm asking around if anyone knows who would be interested in such a role. It would be a contract role of probably 3 - 6 months to start and maybe looking into a more permanent down the track. Start date is sometime soon, as in, the next couple months?
Let me know! Thanks!
yiu/jen (ask for email)
Accenture Adventure
some inside emails my cousin sent me.
Still all speculation
Materazzi should been yellow carded at least.
Provocation is against the rules.
Edit * Sorry, against the non-Italian rules *
Word has it that Materazzi was throwing racial remarks at Zidane throughout the match and the final blow that provoked the headbutt was: "In one hour, your mother will f**k me, the champion!"
Monday, July 10, 2006
Hash - can you find out for sure if you are free on Sun?
The general preference seems to be for Sat but if you are definitely free on Sun *and* are keen to do a combined thing and go to the RNP with us, do let us know asap.
Thanks for having us over yet again and being the ever caring host, jono. Again we're sorry for putting out ur bro like that, but it was fun :)
So much of the articles on players in Wikipedia have been subject to vandalism. Very mature.
Thanks for coming over guys, thanks heaps for the cake (quite tasty actually, I love it), and thanks for looking and cleaning up after yourselves to make the job easier on me :)
And my apologies for any bouts of agroness throughout the night.
Hash - have you figured out if you're free at all this weekend? Sunday included?
You keeeeel'd my mother, you keeeel'd my father. You keeel'd my people and you stole my father's suuwoort (sword). Hahahaha, anyone have Conan DVD? I wanna hear the commentaries! And what a game. Any news on what Materazzi said to Zidane? I am sure they would have interview'd the guys about it...
One of my colleagues has just left leaving an opening:
IT Service Desk
The position closes on the 13th so if you want in, hurry.
Man, damn that was a good game to watch.
Would have been excellent had not Zidane snapped during xtra time. I mean sure, the Italian still dived, but wtf@Zidane.
That was completely uncalled for and he deservd the red card. But I wish he could have gotten it after the game like in the croatia match =(.
Well, congrats u lying, theiving, stinking Italians - you won the last game (which happens to be the only one that counts) fair and square.
Have fun for the next 4 years.
Remember when you meet the socceroos again, they too will have mastered the art of diving.
This would be Jono defending Zidane:
I am surprised that the focus of the criticism around this incident is more on Zidane than on Materazzi, and not the other way around. Yes, what Zidane did was unprofessional and deserving of a red card; however, there is a threshold that every human being has that dictates the point at which one snaps. Clearly, Materazzi breached that threshold, and triggered Zidane to do what he did. Many of you claim that he should have kept his cool and walked away from the situation. 1) Zidane seemed to be walking away at first, trying to dismiss whatever insults Materazzi was throwing his way; and 2) You are not Zidane, and you ought to recognize that there are things so dear to him that would make him, or any other human being, react in this way should those things be desecrated, verbally or otherwise, by someone else. In addition to that, we don’t know the extent to how far these insults go back. Maybe Materazzi has insulted Zidane before; maybe other players have insulted Zidane the same way from time to time, only to have him shrug it off until it was finally too much. Although none of us know for certain to what extent these points apply, I think one ought to give the benefit of the doubt to the person defending himself (Zidane), at least in terms of what actions were ultimately justified.
Shame on Materazzi for personally attacking one of the great players in football history, and for having triggered him to do this in ostensibly his last international match.
This would be me chastizing Zidane and Jono on his defense of Zidane:
You have either GOT to be kidding me or have never played an ounce of soccer in your life. It doesn't matter what someone says to you during a game, it is the retaliation that always draws the card. I cannot believe you are sticking up for Zidane versus Materazzi. WHO CARES WHAT HE SAID?!? "Sticks & stones..." Zidane purposefully and violently bashed a player's sternum with his head. That is DANGEROUS. If you learn a martial art (Zidane knows judo), you learn self-control. Zidane obviously has not, and therefore deserves the severest of scoldings. Your bias has no bounds. Sure, you like Zidane the player, but I denounce Zidane the fighter. He is now a bonafide disgrace.
You can trash talk all you want, hell, it’s part of sports. But when you lose your control and just go for a cheap move like that you not only deserve to lose, but you deserve to lose the respect and esteem you worked so hard to build up over the years. If someone pisses you off, you should let your game, and not your bitch ass actions, speak for itself.
SMH: Yelling to the crowd around him, he invited all Italian fans back to his Emu Plains pizza shop, telling them "let's all call in sick today".
If James was there, I wonder if he would have gotten an invite? XD
I will post properly later.
Enjoy your victory Alexis, I just hope Materazzi gets his dues.
Will post properly later
Well, what a match, and what a world cup month. Congrats to Italy.
But what do you know Alexis - Guess how many corners there actually were?
So I was originally meant to put $8 stake on 10-12 corners, with a profit of $19.20 plus the stake returned. Must have double clicked or something because it ended up putting two $8 stakes in, so now instead of $0.00 in my account as I expected, I actually have $52.48. Which means instead of losing $103 over the duration of the world cup, I've lost $50.
Still withdrawing the remaining funds and shutting the account down.
Sunday, July 09, 2006
I just remembered Why Totti looks so familiar - He is like a clone of Ba'al the Goa'uld System Lord who cloned himself in Stargate SG-1.
No Wonder he got the penalty in, he's got a snake in his head that pumps him up!
Dude, Schweitzer is a sniper! 2.5 goals!!!
10-20 minutes in was probably the best of Portugal. The team coordination was brilliant but couldn't stand against Schweitzer.
By 80 minutes in it was 3-0 so when Portugal scored at like 84 mins, it was like meh. No one really cared lol.
Some pretty crazy saves, especially at the 5:10 mark. But gosh sorry, that music is seriously gay.
Bah hash! haha you can't get that day off at all?
How about Sunday? would you be free then?
Tomorrow (Sunday July 9) some of us are getting together probably for a simple lunch and soccer in the afternoon. Confirmed so far are Benny, Alexis, Charlie, me and sorry for whoever else has slipped my mind. Yi said he'd be keen if it's in the arvo as well. Darren? Eric? Scott? John? Hash?
So lunch at 12/1pm, then soccer at 3pm? We can watch world cup later that night at my place (read below), so we can play soccer in St Leonards park (where the grass is good, better than Central), and bum at my house for a bit, or whatever. Not sure where to have lunch. My area is slightly pricier unless you eat fast food. There are $7-10 quality burgers nearby, think they're open on Sunday. This is very late notice, but call me if you want to eat with me in my area, or otherwise eat first, then come over at 3pm and we can just kick a ball around and lounge. Bring DVDs for the night.
I've just got off the phone with my bro, and we are *GOOD TO GO* to watch the World Cup Finals at my place Sunday night/Monday morning. My bro will still be here I think, but he said it should be fine, as it's the finals. And my TV is reasonably large and does not have stripes, my lounge is cosy and you can make relatively significant amounts of noise without too much disarray. So my house it is then? Come over any time pretty much, I think.
Except I may be having dinner at home with bro, so if you come over then, you might needa sort yourselves out for dinner in Crows Nest or at the Thai place down the road (the awesome one according to James). Or at Dominos right behind my house, you can grab take away?
So come one come all. Also there are bottles and bottles of alcohol at my place. Bring mixers if you want to drink something, it's all Jim Beam, Vodka, that stuff. I have no soft drinks. See you there.
he knows about 50% of Private School kids getting the unmistakeable urge to fall for Buffon, thus reducing his chances of successful genetic progression.
Jono, Kwong et. al. :: It seems that I am working from 11-3 on that day =(.
Saturday, July 08, 2006
Damn man, my colleagues are the pro-est ninjas. Everybody is underemployed so as soon as one person says they cant make the shift due to other commitments, theres a reply to step in no later than 5 minutes. I got nothing on them.
The man that will turn Alexis gay
QOTD: In my capacity as 50% shareholder in this biological enterprise, all of my voting shares will be deployed against the private schools option - Gareth Blackstock on raising kids.
A post you want to read
Free next Saturday 15th July?
We're going to the Royal National Park, a short 35 min south of the city. Look here for the last time Kwong went.
It's a combined birthday bash for Hash, Kwong and myself (Kwong and mine are actually this Sunday July 9, but there's too much stuff going on).
We'll have a cruisy picnic, go for a short easy bushwalk 1-3 hours long, kick a soccer ball or footy around if there's space, and just have a lazy saturday in a gorgeous national park. It's also a prime opportunity for photography as you can see in Kwong's post. The scenery is dynamic, and the area changes quite rapidly from coastal rocks to beaches and onto forests. In this area is normally a 26km 1-2 day bushwalk from Oxford to Bundeena which people like to do.
So keep your saturday free, don't bother with gifts since it's insane with three of us there (unless you are insane.), and join us for a different kind of Saturday.
In the words of Alexis:
Alexis says:
that is actually something I would look foward too
i love the royal national park
So let us know if you're free, just add your name to the wiki when it gets wiped clean on sunday this week, or let kwong or myself know.
Keep your eyes peeled for updates.
Hash - I hope this sounds good by you, let us know if you had other ideas.
- Jono, Kwong and hopefully Hash
Friday, July 07, 2006
In this new era -
all contracts must be sealed with this word :: "savvy?"
all currency is henceforce measured in :: "booty"
all things of value are henceforce known as :: "shiny"
all controversies shall be settled with a game of dice
All who do not conform will get 5 lashing from the Bosun!
And there is no Parleyyyyyyy!
This announcement has been brought to you by the East India Trading Company
Alexis's Compensation

Alexis's Compensation
Originally uploaded by rubberbanhpho.
My Dear Alexi:
In honour of your Peruvian descent, I feel compelled to offer you this for repayment of my debt.
Still heated debates?
Alexis says:
double standards.... as I said I have no doubt in my mind that if a socceroo was in grosso's position, he wouldn't have attempted the same tactic to get a penalty
An Extract:
Alexis says:
I mights ask for your advice in future if you don't mind
John says:
yup no worries
John says:
I wont' ask for yours! Bloody Portugal lost and I lost $18!
John says:
Alexis says:
hey I said it could go either way....
Alexis says:
what was your reaction when Italy won?
John says:
bitter disappointment and a reminder of the story in the Bible where the Barbarian Horde comes around an attacks all the innocent nations
John says:
and prevails
John says:
In case you didn't get my meaning, Italy = Barbarians!!!!!!
John says:
France better win the finals!!
Alexis says:
I get your message...
We were the light givers, we took on from where the Greeks left off and civilized the world
Alexis says:
we are not barbarians
John says:
Alexis says:
dude we deserved to win
John says:
but look
John says:
no you didn't
John says:
but look
John says:
i'm beginning to see the picture
John says:
the same thing happened with France/Portugal
John says:
the french striker got in the penalty box with the ball
John says:
waited for some defenders to get near
John says:
and then fell over
John says:
it's such an awesome tactic
John says:
if I ever get to play professionally I know what to do now
Alexis says:
John says:
it's such a given way of getting a goal
John says:
just race the ball into the penalty box and dive
John says:
John says:
I could get like 6 goals each game like that
John says:
Alexis says:
but there is always the chance that the ref might be in the correct viewing angle and spots the dive
Alexis says:
you never know
Alexis says:
we deserved to win, we created more chances, we dominated ball possession
John says:
the ref was 5m away for the aussie/italy game and saw the dive, but the problem is he was already bought by the italian team, so they got the penalty
John says:
John says:
Alexis says:
i failed to understand your hatred for the italian team...
Alexis says:
they beat australia, get over it
John says:
they did not beat them unquestionably
John says:
it was verrrrryyyy questionable
Alexis says:
I have no doubt in my mind that any player from an opposing team in grosso's position wouldn't have tried the same tactic
John says:
ANNNDDDD what was that in the news recently? AC Milan and Juventus bribing refs? Buying out officials? What? Huh
Alexis says:
AC Milan are clean
John says:
Nope as the Socceroos team members said, "We are brought up all our lives to work hard and live honestly. Then you play these nations who, you know, believe that as long as you win, that's all that matters."
John says:
Clean as mud!!!!
... and continues...
"Alexis says:
bresciano is just as slimy as grosso
John says:
\/\/ |-| 4 7 3 \/ 3 R
John says:
that's only because bresciano is sexier than grosso
John says:
look his name says it all
John says:
Alexis says:
double standards.... as I said I have no doubt in my mind that if a socceroo was in grosso's position, he wouldn't have attempted the same tactic to get a penalty
John says:
John says:
only because we know if we got to a penalty shoot out we'd be kickin buts0rs
John says:
most expensive goal keeper my 4$$
Alexis says:
so far italy has not conceded a goal
John says:
because they have 15 defenders
John says:
which includes 2 players and 13 people with money who buy out refs"
Thursday, July 06, 2006
On the word of Microsoft's mad arse technology. But I really hope this doesn't happen!
Count me in for soccer, I'm 90% sure. Where in Centennial park?
Lynn - is your dinner still on sun, or did you move it back to sat?
Wow Kwong, nice photos. Very nice. Oh yeh, Lynn, the dinner/soccer all that stuff refers to THIS coming sunday rite?
Kwong - your US Photos which I just saw are bloody brilliant! Some are so awesome I'd easily believe they were professionally taken. Nice work!
Wednesday, July 05, 2006
Lol Charlie,
more along the lines of he owes an assortment of ppl several consoles.
Wow, seems like it might take me a whole week or two =P
I was thinking exactly that, Hash.
He wanted your jacket, Charlie, so you could part with that lol.
Charlie, you're enthusiasm for such a movie and your flickr avatar is conducive to a police report.
Its a proud and momentous day when I finish the reading core textbook. However this is only overshadowed by one greater event: the completion of a non-core text. Yes, I have done it. I've finished reading Short History of Nearly Everything that was given to me by Wei over 2 years ago.
And its such a great book for the history of science and us in a nutshell. It was all very easy reading with only a few bits that were uninteresting. I liked the way he maintained an impartial stance throughout the whole book...until the very last chapter. Its not that it wasn't objective, just crushingly depressing how brutal and callous humans can be in causing the extinction of many species.
The simple and straightforward way he puts this across was very sad indeed when he describes the extinction of the dodo on Mauritius due to "drunken sailors" hunting not for food, but entertainment and their pets like dogs and cats on board ships contributing to it. In that time, the dodo had only seen foreigners for 70 years before its extinction. It was described as a hopelessly stupid bird that, if picked up and made to squawk, their fellow dodos would not run away but would so innocently come through the forage and investigate what the ruckus was about. Such an animal was not long for this world.
His description of some North American Parrot was no less. It was considered a pest and massive slaughters using guns took place. These birds had the unfortunate trait of loyalty and compassion. Whenever guns were fired at them, they would fly away, only to return to check on their fallen comrades...which was met by more gunfire.
Shut up, john, I know you won't meet this post with a favourable reply :p
My Dear Alexi:
Spain said it, I could not have put it better. My original intention was to pay you 100 Euros, but alas you're not Italian =) Furthermore, you're not Australian either as there is no such thing as conditional patriotism. We have a predicament. I have a solution, stay tuned.
Marc: your concern is heartily appreciated. Congratulations, you are officially disqualified as a witness =)
Hash: that is some attractive proposition. Though you sound like Alexis owes you money.
Sidetrack: Anyone up for watching 'Hard Candy'? A psychological thriller involving a student, a photographer, paedophilia, and sadistic pleasure. Hum....my cuppa tea.
"cash settlement". By alexis' own admition there was no agreement of "$AUD settlement".
.: Lira is cool :) oh yeh and i want my $$ plz alexis.
Well my dear Charlie during the ski trip I brought up to your attention that if I lost, could I pay you in another means other than money (such as movie tickets)? You explicitly said no, that the agreement we concurred too was a cash settlement. So I am sorry but you have to pay, regardless of my patriotism towards Australia. I am patriotic, I go for Australia everytime a world swimming or cycling championship is held, and everytime the olympics comes around. But I am sorry, I cannot go against my heritage in football, regardless of what this country has given me.
Actually what am I saying, I am no Italian at all. James congratulations....
Well look at a few assumptions of the contract between Alexis and Charlie, particularly -
1. Likelyhood of Alexis paying had he lost
As well as some credit report facts, particularly -
2. Track record of Alexis and his debt clearance rate
Since the contract was actually made and both parties did agree to the payment (likelyhoods of payment aside), it seems a fair that Alexis should get paid. However, seeing as he is not entirely timely with his payments, any such payment on Charlie's behalf should occur after Alexis has paid any outstanding debts to his name that existed prior to the event that was stipulated in the said bet (i.e Italy getting into the finals, which occurred as soon as Italy won the Germany vs. Italy match today morning).
A month after having my green P's expire, it seemed somewhat apropriate to get my Full license. So i did. Yay!
I have 12 demerit points to waste now.
I'm tempted to say 100 lira, and although I sympathise with your plight I think you need to learn that there are reasons why you shouldn't gamble Charlie and this will be a very good lesson of risk :)
Remember how you said risk was a wonderful thing and that conversation I had about not bringing my laptop on ski trip? XD
As it happens, fate was against you and your $100 and theres no point trying to run.
My Dear Alexi:
I accept this defeat with no remorse.
However, given your lack of support for the Australian team, it would be an insult to your national pride should I decide to pay you in dollars. Therefore, in doing you a favour, I shall repay my debt in a more appropriate currency, the choice of which is at the discretion of our wonderful but slightly disgruntled witnesses: Marc and Benny =).
Let's hope you guys can achieve what the refs never did: justice =).
Man that was an unlucky outcome today. Nothing much that I can complain about cept the refs missing the obvious handball and again with the Italian diving. However, the refereeing was satisfactory and the skill level of the Italians offense was higher.
My condolences Charlie. The odds seemed so good and so tempting that no one could fault you for taking it up. Note: This is not an endorsement of gambling.
Although I did not see the game, I could not imagine what it'd be like having the star striker vs the star goalkeeper.
Zidane here's your last chance to shine so brightly!
Henry prove to the world you can do what you do for Chelsea for France!
On a side note I'll be going to Centennial park to play some soccer on Saturday with a bunch of randoms.
Everyone is welcome to join, I've never played or even met with these guys before so I feel as intimidated as you.
It'll start 10ish (yes 10am Saturday) so yeah please join or give me a call if you're coming. Yes I know there maybe another soccer game on Sunday as well but yeah...
Go Zizou!!!
ITALY 2 - GERMANY 0!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I am sorry you lost money Jono, and I am sorry I am going to have to collect 100 from you Charlie, but I am not sorry for you at all Benny.
Fucken diving Italians.
Germany might have won if it went to penalties, but ah well.
Fucken Italian divers
Haha this is awesome. I just found out, through word of mouth, that my main thesis supervisor is going on long service leave next semester! HA! Yes, that's right, I'm halfway through my thesis! And he won't be back until November! Rock on.
Good times, good times.
Tuesday, July 04, 2006
Hey ppls,
Very late planning, but I am hosting a get together viewing of the Semis 2nite at my place. I have called everything I think, but if I have missed you, it's not because i don't like you, it's simply because I just didn't get around to. Come around my place after 12 or something if you wanna hang out. I got 4 2L bottles of softdrinks, and 3 packets of chips. All up, 15.41, so we'll split that when I have the final numbers at my place. About 2 bucks per person. Bring extra if you want, and we'll add that to the bill.
haha np marc
did u see number 40 (4:15) - the most beautiful, well-played team penalty I've ever seen
Wow, some of those are amazing.
Seems to me the key factors to scoring a goal are
1. Acute spatial awareness
2. Understanding of parabolics and forces acting upon the ball such as gravity, friction, drag etc.
3. Intermediate to advanced ball handling skills
However, the brazillians in those replays seem to be prescient. They kick the ball to open areas and when i arrives, another brazillian seemed to be on the path to that exact point
Thanks Jono, I was looking for something like this.
46: the guy fakes a shot like in basketball, the guy jumps to block it, and dribbles around him to score.
25 Seedorf: like...dude. He shot from nearly half-way...thats just not human. Imagine being hit by that.
22 Beckham: same thing
21: unbelievable team coordination. simply breathtaking
13: that looks suspicious. the scorer seemed to have pushed the last defender off
12: lol they lead the whole defence (twice their size) to a goose chase.
10: gagagaga
For those who'd like to watch the Return of Superman tomorrow, a time after 4:30 has been negotiated.
This gives us a good screen time of 5pm that should be suitable for u striving uni workers to attend (seeing as it only takes 12-20 mins by bus to CT)
The venues are
1. Eastgardens (closer to UNSW) [5,6:15]
2. Town Hall (closer to Spain) [5,6]
So ppl who r wishin to attend
1. Alexis
2. Myself
3. Spain
4. Jono
5. Darren
ne1 else who is interested leave a msg on this blog before 4:30pm or call ne of the above ppl.
Alexis - where are you watching Superman returns? I'd be keen for it.
haha silly Marc. I particularly like your flickr portrait. I hope your blisters aren't torturing you too much. Think of it as...pain builds character.
I think Spain is also quite slick looking , especially with the pink-lined gloves.
True - paintball costs dough. On the order of $100 pp, so we'll scratch that. We could have touch footy easily get enough for 5 on 5 or 6 on 6. Or soccer, whatever people like.
Man I want to go skiing again.
Kwong - how does this photo fit into the picture? i.e. "Taken on April 19, 2006".
Nice snowman though!
Very cool photo
And very classy, artistic usyd/uav/textbook photos etc
Other favourites:
2 Winter wonderland
4 Awwww mateship
5 Sunset, Alexis and contentment
6 Denny Crane
7 Alexis happy
8 Benny searching
9 Lake Jindabyne
Monday, July 03, 2006
i'd be good for paintball, but i think some people might have fiscal concerns after skitrip :)
I'm also good for kicking the round ball!! *queue horse noises* RONALDINHO'S TAKING THE KICK!
hehe im happy for anything, and yeh alexis/hash ill call you tomorrow about supermeng, i hear its good.
As I brought to Spain's attention, I saw you promptly perk up in your seat as soon as the paintball scene started.
Lynn, you can make use of the bulletin on the right-side.
Very cool photos Marc and Charlie! Very glad you guys brought cameras.
Kwong - good to hear you got to work fine and hopefully your boss didn't tell you off for being late :)
As for next sunday...Crazily enough I was thinking paintball. Maybe that's a result of seeing Failure to Launch on the coach. That may be too hard or too late to organise for now.
We could watch an imax film - there's 2 space ones (Moon Walking and Roving Mars) but neither of those show on Sunday. Wild Safari 3D is on most of Sunday though.
Or could just have an easy BBQ, kick a rugby/football or soccer ball around. That's all I have for the moment, since I am yet to eat anything, and just woke up at 5:30pm after 13 hours of sleep. :)
Hash and I are planning on seeing Superman Returns tomorrow after two. If anyone is interested let us know. Also the world cup final is on the early hours of monday. Should we congregate and cheer on the Italians?
And James, this might be of interest to you. Hope he can recover as fully as possible, but I honestly think the man is not gonna be with us anymore in five more years or so. And that's probably being generous.
Yeah I was only one hour late today, even though I got home at 1am. It was a great trip and it was the best snow I've seen in Australia. I'll upload photos soon.
Juicy bits on my side of things: kept awake the first night due to crazed group of 15 or so Irish who decided to get pissed, raid the resort kitchen, then finally take all that fun to our doorsteps. Our bathroom smelt marvellous afterwards. We were told that they had had so much to drink that the toilet on their coach was completely full well and truly before the first night's dinner stop.
As for next weekend, I have no idea what to do. Anyway, back to work...
Good to hear that everyone had fun and made it back in one piece. But hey check this out, trailor for Transformers, The Movie!
Lets get to the juicey bits.
Worst injury: skidded off the track into a tree while trying to turn/stop resulting in the union of my face and a tree as well as the loss of the right lens of the glasses. Surprisingly came out unscathed. Luckily it was the last hour of skiing because that completely threw out my mentality as I stacked 5x on the last 1/4 of the run. 1 of which involved a rather cute Irish medic, Spain. If only you were involved. Although wasted, thanks for the search party everyone. :)
Secondary: blisters, check out my flickr.
Other: Alexis, Benny and Darren's dramatic participation in the World Cup including Alexis' and Benny's memorably loud comments during the match which woke almost everyone up. After Germany v Argentina, Benny promptly went to sleep like a baby, while the rest of us were left in the sleepless lurch because of his snoring. I will get you back for all those hours you deprived me of sleep Benny...
Special thanks to Yi and Spain for sacrificing their extreeeeeme time to accompany us n00bs.
Summary: so much fun, so much more to learn, so little alcohol consumption. Will definately be back again, but unlikely return for the rest of the season.
Now if you will excuse me, I must go coma-out while my muscles flame on.
Yes, my deepest sympathies Kwong. Getting home at 12am and waking up at 5am or so to take an hour drive to work is not fun, especially when you have searing muscles. But then again, thats what you were doing wasn't it, jono (+travel time, -searing muscles), you psycho-nut.
Good trip to the snow. Good fun, first time skiing/boarding for many of us. Charlie, Kwong and Marc I think have some good photos.
Kwong - I'm no longer going on the roadtrip to Cairns this week, so sure, we can organise something for Sunday July 9. It's right after Renee's b'day celebrations on Sat though. I'm not clear if her soccer thing is on Sat arvo before dinner, or Sun morning at like 7am after breakfast? My logic, experience and intuition all point to the latter.
I emailed Renee to say I couldn't go originally, but re-reading the emails she's already booked dinner, and I'm not sure how keen I am on dressing up hugh heffner style though it's no big deal, but yeah not sure if I'll still make any of her party...
Anyway, did you have any ideas on what to do next Sunday? Last year we had go-karting and a barbie at darren's which was good fun.
Are you at work? I feel sorry for you if you are...
Great Trip down to the Snow.
Everyone got back to Central fine, they should all get home alright.
Next time you guys who missed should come along as well
Getting forced to sleep now