Grammatical consult
It should be 'than', and not 'then'..
'Than' is used in a comparison, and looks weird with a capital T as its not used as the first word in a sentence (from what I've read)
Back to work..
Come in, relax, light a cigar and spend some quality time with your old friends. ;)
Grammatical consult
I need a grammatical consult. I'm reading through a journal article and this person uses the word "then" in the following context:
Sounds sweet. Hope you guys have a great time.
Update on the ski trip:
Hmmm, James & Jono, my current 3 plan is capped at $29 and will have $120 worth of calls (any calls which include international, landline, mobile, sms, etc) and $70 or 100 mins for 3 calls. Minimum spend is $20 PLUS monthly charges for the phone, which is $14 per month. So in a way, you can argue that I am paying $43 max each month for $190 dollars worth of free call. However, I am NOT on a contract with the plan, I am ONLY on a contract to pay my phone off. So if i want, I can pay the rest of my phone off tomorrow, and don't have to pay for anything else.
You should table that or use courier font. That formatting looks nasty, I got confused.
I think $28 is a minimum not a cap
I may get no response for this, but I want to ask anyway :-D
Joining three isn't a bad way of getting cheaper Telstra network access if you could switch phones to operate only on 2G. Alas there was no way you could do this in phone menu using my beloved brick NEC e606. Things may have changed now though
The latest update/correspondence with iSIM:
My Eggos have finally died.
That was really good, especially the earlier decade ones!
The Evolution of Dance from the 60's.
It makes a difference. I don't use the mobile a lot (to make calls) so I'm not that tempted by cheap call rates where there are minimum monthly spends.
It says John that you care deeply about your friends.
Yi, if you are considering the regular MacBook then I would probably suggest the middle model. For $300 over the base, you get a slightly faster processor and a superdrive which is worth it I reckon, unless apple releases a new upgradeable superdrive that is not sh*te (50 minute burns at 2x). Still, it beats a combo drive.
James - 9c/30s sounds too good to be true. My current plan which is uber cheap for short calls is 40c/min billed by the second (which is awesome), with no flag fall. But it sucks for calls > 1min
i choose not to buy a camera or take photos at outings because i know that whenever i go out, at least one friend will bring his/her camera along. i also know that this friend is more than happy to take happy snaps of anything remotely interesting; this person is also likely to be much more talented in photography than i am.
My purpose for photography is much simpler (apart from capturing the moment and reminiscing (dashboard dictionary rox)) that is to capture the moment and share it with the viewer so they can sense everything that I am at that moment.
Thanks for the phone advice guys. This blog is really turning into a something. Maybe we should get some Google Ads.
Photography is said to be the classic INTP hobby. Not only does it engage the dominant functions, it also forms as an outlet to the more underdeveloped functions.
Few things:
Firstly, congrats Kwong for graduating with First Class Honours, truely amazing stuff.
Yi, hope your Routing assignment is not exacerbated by our prolonged interference last night. Also, whilst your bed may appear as a tool for self-flagellation, we all know that should Eros work in your favour, it won't let you down by making squeaky noises and bring unwarranted attention =)
Jono, as much as you try to deflect our attention, we all know your highlight of the night has to be this.
Finally, thanks for sharing photos guys; and James, you're right. INTPs are nostalgic, and photography feeds this nostalgia.
Thanks guys for making my 22nd such a special occasion. I must say, it's the most lovely, touching, sweet birthday I've had for a long time.
Well, I've only used it to take 5 photos. Compared to my 828, I got it for 1 week, and immediately took 1.8gb worth of photos. 300 photos in one day was my best record so far and that was in Taiwan, lolz. In terms of features, well, I only wanted a phone with infra-red and bluetooth, and no joystick, yet affordable. The 6280 was the only one. With the 3 contents, I have subscribed to the sports pack for F1 and World Cup. After that i will be getting off it.
Belated Happy Birthday, Yi!
Hey James, i have the 6280 now. It's actually a pretty good phone. Haven't had any problems with it yet, and the camera is suprisingly good for a camera phone. 2mp is nothing compared to your R1, but when you forget your R1 (if that will EVER happen), then it might come in handy. Plans-wise, unless you make a LOT of calls, 29 capped is more than sufficient for most. You can even make international calls on it. Reception with 3 is pretty good, even if it has no 3 signals, it will go on Roam with telstra networks.
if you want a pic of Lisa to throw in your wallet I'm sure, Linda has better pics Jono XD
I've decided finally to get a new phone after more than five years on my loved-hated Orange phone.
Nice photos John/Linda. Really capture the night well. Thanks for posting them up.
You z00ch spain! You were the one who screwed up the blog for the past few days! I suggest you learn some html...
click here for some photos from linda's 21st celebrations.
Why thank you Benny. So that my chances of being snatched are non-zero, please kill Paul Bettany for me. Spain will send zeals.
You look very dashing in your graduation robes James,
Lots of mini cameras have image stablisation. Very good feature to have. Panasonic has them across the whole Lumix range. The high end Sony T's have IS too.
Hmph...speak for yourself Kwong :p
Yeah thanks for coming, everyone. Couldn't agree more Benny, don't think we've had a gathering with this level of attendance for a while. Good memories, happy days. Don't worry, a whole bunch of yas gonna be graduating soon, so even more chances. James, as much as I wanted to go to CFN with you guys, it just felt funny doing so on my graduation day. :P
I spent another $20 at Korean BBQ.
Agreed, Benny. The dropships could have been done with more enthusiasm though :)
Great outing, good old first year feel of dining out. Thanks heaps to Kwong for accommodating 35 people. ^^
Cafe de paris is usually served with sirloin since the sauce is pretty strong and sirloins are bland compared to rump but the cut is usually the softest. -- Sid's words
Yi - do you have any special plans for, oh I dunno, this Sunday May 28th, 2006?
Or come join me in my weekly visit to sample some ocean trout
Lolz, Charlie. The pic is cool! GO WOLVERINE! I'd pay to see JONO dress like that!
Sound cool, so long you're not intending to dress like...well, this.
Thanks for your suggestions guys, I'm quite impressed at how many you all had.
Bistro Moncur in Paddington is really good.
To extend on what James said, if you want something simple by the waterfront, go to Harry's at Wooloomooloo?
If you're considering King Street Wharf, we ate at Casa Di Nico for Chris Hampson's birthday. The food there was exquisite.
Hey ION,
disclaimer: i have not tried this myself, use or adopt at your own discretion.
Musashi followed by Passionflower in close proximity.
Don't mean to make this so public but (in particular James) any recommendations for a good place to eat or something this Friday night about 5:30 or 6pm would be well appreciated. Yes, this is for Lisa and I and no Kwong, I won't be missing your dinner :) As far as I can tell, she'll need to be heading home around 7:30 maybe as late as 8pm so timing is about right.
iSim (n): a mobile provider that lets you change your password to greater than 10 letter string but only accepts max 10 letters in the password field thereby denying me access. Furthermore they send you the changed password to confirm as you count the number of letters in it. They then proceed to ignore you when you tell them about the problem...twice.
Sorry spain, haven't been here for a while and so don't know who's who :P
An entertaining story, a random one that pops up when I login to linux at Uni.
Skiiers: Are we ok to spend $600-$700 for the trip? This is a conservative estimate taking into account accom, food, transport, lift pass, peak price (early july), equipment hire, lessons.
Kwong, its Spain yo!!! All those years at Usyd, meant nothing to you???
spuniasaur... IS DAVID BOWIE!! zomg kwong, you spent years at sydney uni with me. but yeh its spain, is there room for me or am i too late with the rsvp?
Agreed that it is lamentable james.
I finally have a decent exam timetable.
I've booked for 20 people for 7:30 at Marigold, and I think it shouldn't be too hard to change the numbers. Right now I have roughly 20 people down for dinner, and a few more yet to reply.
Curiosity does us all.
Thredbo Trail
Hi all,
Dear Gary Kwong Tarolli,
Black runs: How does that bode for an n00b like myself? I don't mind driving if its cheaper (but unlikely)
Anyone interested in coming skiing this year?
Hello all!
what stupid comments?
1337 krew
Great party Linda.
LOL I knew there was something wrong with the term "gang". I was thinkig: gang? the only thing gangster about this group is benny. I think the more appropriate word you were looking for was "crew" :)
Hey guys (aka PC Gang - woh, such a scary name!),
I think there was some Kenny in the food.
Let me first clarify I do not champion Labor's policy. In fact I voted for the Coalition in the last election against the wishes of my family, who feels forever indebted to the Labor party since Hawke's announcement after the Tianmen Massacre in 1989, the very reason for our residence here.
I'm (still) reading History of Nearly Everything:
Lolz. Hash, you are enjoying it aren't you?! =þ
"Hajime no Eric - Round 2"
It is true that it is the RBA's job to look after the standard of living and so forth. However, as treasurer, I still believe that he has a role to play in the standard of living game. Just this budget alone, we can see that he does have indirect power over the stance of the monetary policy. Imagine, he announced an extra 0.1% of GDP. What will the Governor do in response to that? 0.1% of GDP might sound small, but in monetary terms, I believe that's around 980 million? So in other words, if he was to increase the tax cuts by another 980 million, the RBA might take necessary actions to offset the tax cuts.
Whilst in theory FP and MP are independent of each other, it has been documented that FP interferes with MP. In it's most conspicous form, Argentina, once among the richest countries in the world; financed its piling debt in the 70s by printing more money. This inevitably led to an increase in money supply, causing hyperflation. A more subtle form of interference results when government finance the budget (partly) through issuing bonds. This naturally competes for investment funds and thus messing with interest rates.
marc: i don't capitalise on my written works, other than at uni. why do you ask?
What do you need after a good thesis workout?
"and as usual, my review is critical in nature, so don't be put off by the negative comments; i just do a better job of pointing out flaws than praising excellence"
eric: not sure whether you want us to do this here or in the comments section of your article. and as usual, my review is critical in nature, so don't be put off by the negative comments; i just do a better job of pointing out flaws than praising excellence.
If Petrol prices don't concern you, that means you have a fuel card. If thats the case does that work on any BP fuelling station? ^~
Hard hitting one-two by Eric...
Lolz Ed.
PERTH?! That's in whoop whoop! Lolz. Congrats mate, so you going to be working in inner city areas or somewhere out of Metropolitan area?
Nice work Dorrigo!! Congratulations! We'll most certainly miss that friendly, bubbly face of yours. Perth! Gosh. Musto visit some time.
Thesis A Report finished
Kwong, I would love to attend your graduation. Though I won't be available till 6pm due to thesis meetings and class.
haha James.
I have now an idol: Bertrand Russell.
lol how considerate of you?
Hash, I've already critiqued Mac about that. Its record for low spyware and virus is not a badge that Mac has the right to be proud of because it is for the wrong reasons.
the dress code is smart casual. i.e. no thongs (the footwear kind).
change of plans. linda's 21st celebrations will now be held at the belgian beer cafe.
not really
I sure hope you worked in something about dota.
hehe long time no post....
Dearly beloved, we are gathered here on this most auspicious of days to honour those who have fallen in battle.
it sure is awesome.. but how professional is it? people might think that is your surname, or that your name is B. Utters or S. Butter..
people from this group who have rsvped to say they're going (in no particular order):
OMg, so much whining, neighbours kids this, neighbours music that ...
What an awesome episode of top gear. I was shrieking and shouting the whole way...
Noise cancelling headphones.. good for blocking out the noise, and also a great way to keep your ears warm on those cold all-nighters which we should be getting used to by now.
Oh don't remind me of the HSC...
I feel ya, Yi. I had the same problem when studying for my Prelim/HSC. The kids at the back were a major problem. They just yelled and screamed. Not screams of laughter. Screams of hate against each of the siblings when something didn't go their way. For example they'd be playing sport and one of the siblings made an unfavourable call. This was then followed by the mother's vacuous shout for them to get along. The process repeated itself many times.
Two new neighbours = 3 Arab kids screaming Allah and running around their backyard training facility dragging their heavy artillary around + 2 Aussie kids running back and forth with their 2 dogs barking after them all clearly reverberating through the wooden floor into my bedroom.
Well I know Australia has only snatched less than 10 of the CSLs. Think 8 to be exact. I mean, for an extra 30k (I think), you lose your air con and various other luxury stuff, but you get extra Carbon Fibre...and a bit more power...
hahah Hash. Nice ads.
As I was walking to the office to start work today I was looking at the cars parked on the side. And I walked past a BMW M3 CSL
Hmm....this is a pretty good invention...I mean...i reckon you guys could've done this for your thesis...or maybe a holographic projector
ROFL! You know how its obvious how people take photos with camera phones (how they hold the phone perpendicular). These chics (after consult, my desk partner said they were indos) came up to me and started taking photos. I tried to ignore them and attend to the customers, then like later on in the afternoon they came upto me again and asked if they could take my picture because I looked like a movie star they knew.
Woah language Marc, South park is finally getting to you.
God fucking damn that poor Delizio. It really gives you something to think about next time you want to speed in residential/school zones.
woah that is pretty srs.
:: ALERT ::
The other day when I was at MSY buying a router, the person in front of me had a return claim.
Latest Intel.
Jono, for those that do not have 5 jobs and/or are spendthrift, there is a soution!
I'm partially interested but yeah ~A$10k well...errr. Especially when I blew like a 1/4 on a laptop.
Possibly too little too late - but I am free to attend any Saturday events. I have no shifts for this weekend, which is fantastic, since I will have between 30-35 hours' worth next week. Plus uni, thesis, and fun.
Go John!
if firefox crashes when going to a website with quicktime, i would think that either firefox or quicktime would be the problem.
Looking at getting a keyboard to plug in. Was looking at apple supplies and this place came up:
Is this where you got the info on baboon monitoring?
Count me in Linda/John, though I will try to tell you in person as well.
Hey guys,
Slipstreaming SP2 means simplistically:
Hash, thats what happened to me before when we were discussing Macs vs PC. I had a lovely post all planned out and Firefox crashed -.-
nah, it was so the Mac site that did it.
I had an orsome 14 point post addressing all the criteria on y Mac claims its better than PC.
MacBook site said they specifically needed the Windows XP SP2 version but did not say that the original would not work.
Have you tried slipstreaming SP2 into your WinXP CD? Might work.. but you'll need to burn a new CD and reinstall WinXP. Hopefully you haven't changed the desktop background yet. ;)
Just spent the last 24 hrs trying to install Service Pack 2 on WinXP (because I don't have WinXP SP2 disc - only the original). I even called up MS technicians who couldn't help. The bloody thing won't intall because theres some goddamn error. I have 26GB free and it says I'm out of space. Because I can't install SP2, I can't install the Mac software to configure the laptop.
A more important announcement has overshadowed KJs birthday.
In relation to KJ's Birthday this Friday, as mentioned in the wikiBulletin
haha Charlie...yay for scrubs. Ahh memories.
Yi, the day you stop being an absolute champion is probably the day I die. Which may or may not already have happened (me dieing).
scp -r [
Goddam,I thought Linus was similar to dos...guess not...But Jono, look at the uniform buying from another POV! If you keep all your receipts, and can link the use of the clothing/equipment to work, you can get tax returns at the end of May!
Haha Kwong! He's aliiiivveeeeeee
Cool stuff Marc,
Try googling it if u have a problem.
Allow me to vent some frustration at Linux if you will. It's been too long a frigging day.