Just read it Alexis :)
Also, who's interested coming to our Boree Log camp next weekend?
I think Yi is [right?]
Anyone else interested? Charlie? Benny? Darren?
For more info, click here
Come in, relax, light a cigar and spend some quality time with your old friends. ;)
Just read it Alexis :)
Attention comrades... I have emailed all the details of the events that are to take place on Sunday (excluding Medina). Please read them and see you there...
jono, make sure you're not seeing the grammar auto correct that capitalises the first letter of every sentence.
Marc - what are you talking about with MS word?
Could everyone bring in a little something like a 2L bottle of softdrink or anything munchible so we can get some variety? I'll get some stuff too.
this doesn't work for office 2003.
go into microsoft word (preferable if you have office xp version otherwise might not work) and type in all lower case: caucasian and hit enter. then type mongoloid and type enter.
Dialogue of the day
Alexis should be sending out emails. Seeing as its his 21st and he is hosting lunch, he has the honours. Regarding medina only, there should be nothing new from what is posted up on the link in the bulletin
i'm glad you enjoyed it marc =)
john: I finally got around to watching that Top Gear episode - the one where Jeremy dared race them to Oslo in the McLaren. Damn that thing looked mean. Its as if it could chew you up and spit you out...
I just heard a performance on Dancing with the Stars tonight, (no I didnt watch it, was just passing through the room) and it was one of the least likely of songs that I would expect to hear on that show.. none other than Eye Of The Tiger..
*yawn* MAN, that trip was tiring. Hope you guys had fun, and seriously, I must apologize for Glow Worm Glen...that was a HUGE disappointment, and costing me a Shutter Release Cable....grr....although the hike back was good. Carrying 5 kilos worth of cameras/equipment while hiking back up that hill in the dark was FUN!!
ah i understand jono's post now.
its probably a deliberate hack, just like french military victories.
I just opened my gmail and saw an email from a person called saymon. requesting to be part of a birthday calendar. this is a name you don't hear everyday and i recognised it from before somewhere. so I opened up my trash bin and saw his name as emailing me last month about pintara via the drive.com.au website. hmm....o.0
"All this is because the US elected the false Christian born again anti-Christ as its President. The Lord is showing his/her/its displeasure with its choice. I mean one does not see any Hurricanes attacking Blue States!"
you can't tell people who to be critical of and who not to be.
Any personality test that attempts to catergorise us according to certain precepts would inevitably fail to account for the intricacies in individuality. Jung's initial theory on psychological types serve the opposite purpose. Rather than to catergorise, he proposed that these personality types (e.g. extrovert sensate) merely influence our process of individuation and is only part of who we are. You should be critical of Myer-Brigg and modern day usage of personality tests, and not Jung.
bring food and water if you want. But if you have a camera, bring it! That's the point of going on a trip for photography. You can bring drawing utensils if you want to draw...
yeh...come Alexis!...since 2morrow's a go, where and how we going to meet guys? IF we are going to leave at 7, I assume we LEAVE at 7 and not meet up somewhere at 7? I"ll personally call you guys up to confirm details. Since we are going down south, I'd say we meet at Benny's place. Seriously, it's south and we all know how to get there although i was orginally thinking of the Maccas at Sylvannia Waters.
Can I join in Saturday? Sounds like fun, and it will be good to take a day off before plunging into nine weeks of catch-up.
Sounds like saturday will be fun.
I know but its like a metaphorical cyst in my brain. I can't shake the idea.
the government did recommend an evacuation prior to katrina striking.
Update on my rabbits for those interested.
I believe I have a flash version of that.
and more:
fuck |f?k| vulgar slang verb [ trans. ] 1 have sexual intercourse with (someone). • [ intrans. ] (of two people) have sexual intercourse. 2 ruin or damage (something). noun an act of sexual intercourse. • [with adj. ] a sexual partner. exclamation used alone or as a noun ( the fuck) or a verb in various phrases to express anger, annoyance, contempt, impatience, or surprise, or simply for emphasis. PHRASES go fuck yourself an exclamation expressing anger or contempt for, or rejection of, someone. not give a fuck ( about) used to emphasize indifference or contempt. PHRASAL VERBS fuck around spend time doing unimportant or trivial things. • have sexual intercourse with a variety of partners. • ( fuck around with) meddle with. fuck off [usu. in imperative ] (of a person) go away. fuck someone over treat someone in an unfair or humiliating way. fuck someone up damage or confuse someone emotionally. fuck something up (or fuck up) do something badly or ineptly. DERIVATIVES fuckable adjective ORIGIN early 16th cent.: of Germanic origin (compare Swedish dialect focka and Dutch dialect fokkelen); possibly from an Indo-European root meaning [strike,] shared by Latin pugnus ‘fist.’ USAGE Despite the wideness and proliferation of its use in many sections of society, the word fuck remains (and has been for centuries) one of the most taboo words in English. Until relatively recently, it rarely appeared in print; even today, there are a number of euphemistic ways of referring to it in speech and writing, e.g., the F-word, f***, or f—k.
I'm backing up My Documents etc on my computer and Zonealarm says to me that an MS application is trying to access the net.
i could be wrong but i believe that the sole remaining walkie talkie from our road trip is in my possession. please correct me if i am mistaken in my believe of the whereabouts of the said walkie talkie.
I don't have Voda....*sigh* But I guess as long as some of us has voda, then it's all good. I can't work out times as of yet but I've found a few interesting places from my trusty Gregory's Road Atlas of Australia.
Just get a new pair from Jaycar. Everyone chip in $10 and it will have reuse later if you decide to go on roadtrip.
7am launch ey? That sounds good. I'll pop down to the local NRMA to get us another copy of the maps. Say, we have access to any Walkie Talkies? Can we buy ONE walkie talkie and match it to our existing one. BTW, where is that ONE that survived our Melbourne trip?
I'd say we leave early in the morning on Sat. Yi, James and Marc, you guys still in? ....Umm...that makes 6 ppls. REMEMBER, i have an ECHO! That is a 5 seater car. I am assuming that we don't have an extra car so seats are filling up.
Eric: count me in if I haven't already made that clear. Also I think you've done enough promotions. If people are still yet to reply, maybe they're not interested.
Thanks to Luke, who helped solder my Nokia headset to facilitate a 3.5mm line out like the one I posted a few days ago. I just received my 1GB MMC through the mail today too...so iPod shuffle, eat your heart out!
Umm..hey guys, who's still down for the road trip? Is it still on for this Saturday? Atm, let's just go down south and make it a one day'r. Who's still down for that?
What ever happened to the decent lion-dancers? All I ever see around Chinatown is the slowmoving "joke" of a lion dancer walking around collecting lai-see from local businesses that I strongly suspect is protection money. It seems as though the only person who practices in that entourage are the drum/cymbal players.
Future precurser to a weather machine
mm static, dangerous stuff.
I think someone is already missing some of the perks offered by USA university life ^~
Is it me or why do I feel like Butters has dropped off the face of the earth with respect to blog conversation
That's ok Jono. Well it just means that your A1 won't be getting any "exercise" that's all. Ahahaha.
Yeah my apologies if I didn't make that clear Eric
The proposition sounds mildly interesting.
Well originally, I thought 17th Saturday is the day when Jono can make it...but I guess Jono can't make it to both. 24th then people?
17th is this Saturday yeah?
17th is a good date?
Sorry boys. I've been flat out on my assessments on Monday and Tuesday. AND I GOT A FREAKING 8 FOR MY PRESENTATION! STUPID TEACHER DECIDED TO DOG ME FOR GOING 1 MIN OVER TIME! And the chick who went over by 10 mins got the same mark as me!
good morning..
I've been looking at some graphical charts for recent petrol prices and found a nice little summary for the past 5 years.
some random nature stuff:
Ahahah...I was referring to the 17th cos I thought you guys finish on the 16th! So at the moment, weekend = Yi coming, and post 26th (ie weekday) = Jono....assuming it will be the 24th.
I believe the weekend Eric is referring to here is Sept 24/25
Hmmm..Yi, do a "pre" vote. Can't remeber what you call that, but I think you can vote early. Not sure if that applies to the local level. And yes I will be driving. However, my car sits 5 including me. So 5+ = 2 cars.
Oh wait a sec.
Hey ppls,
I dunno, it feels kinda stupid using email to say "i'll see you tomorrow morning". Mainly coz its out of context when you send it. You feel this implicit need to put context into it, and before you know it, it goes from an IM over email to an email for an IM.
You must check this out.
i don't see a need for offline messages, especially when msn is integrated with my hotmail account.
Fixed speed camera locations straight from the horse's mouth here.
It's not particularly attractive.
Ahh the good old times.
thanks eric. luckily i don't travel through any of those places regularly.
Thanks Eric!
Hmm, 3 more cameras for the Hume Highway..
Friday 16th is Conception Day at Macquarie.
I know how it feels. I have 3 classes a week, two of which are morning classes. Last week, I missed both morning classes, and the only evening class I rocked up for, the lecturer was sick. Missed a whole week of uni. Life is one big hell of an irony.
ha! my consumer protection lecturer is sick...again. This is the 3rd time this session that I have woken up for a sole class for the day thats supposed to start at 9am. I don't know whether to rejoice or be annoyed.
Thanks for the plug Yi :) Yeah CSE revues are typically good stuff, this year should be no exception, or even better, with funny Joel in cast.
Me too, plus an extra ticket as well. You shall be appropriately reimbursed.
Important: Friday sept 16 (week 8) cse revue tickets are available.
I just saw Hsin-Chu's doppleganger. CSE id: clarenced
Did you know that tour de france cyclists have resting high rates in the high 20 bpms?
Yeah all Friday wk 8 tickets are gone, for the moment, some may free up.
Yi I'm warning you for the last time, stop nudging me!
i dont care if u stuff it up...well i do sorta, i just need to know what you did to stuff it up so i can fix it thats all. geez its not like im gonna get a cane and smack u. What I was trying to say in essence was I can't fix it if I don't know whats wrong with it.
Marc, no one is trying to stuff up your page.
Well its either that or I make passwords for everyone. Which I couldn't be arsed coz i figured everyone who visits the page would be mature enough. But then I didn't count on people trying to use the blink and marquee tag. No wait I did...
i am not very interesting, but i would like to go to the revue..
you've done many boo boos Marc. :)
Also who is interesting in going to cse revue?
Hey dude, can't see how it works
I did a boo boo. I was error testing the script and my file got wiped. Please refill the medina form if your details are missing.
Thats how I feel. Its not like its a huge hassle, it takes like 5 seconds to copy and paste a templated response. Like I said, its as if they just like to press the mouse button lol.
Perhaps your pintara was not their primary choice but rather a secondary option which they would pursue if they were not successful in getting their first choice of car.
this is so stupid, i get on average about 2 people inquiring about the pintara through drive.com.au and when i email them back if they are serious about buying it, and if they are we'll organise a meet. none of them reply back. worse still, some reply back and don't even show up to the meet point. i don't tell them anything different or new about the car from whats mentioned on the ad...
Can you imagine queing up 5 times at uni cafeteria or walking around carrying food all day? They'll be safe and convenient in your belly.
If you define lunch as the second meal you eat after you wake up, then those people might have just had breakfast. The other solution is to have two meals a day. Not a hard thing to do.
not brown rice. but brown rice is dirty.
its been happening for quite a while now. at least since i started uni? talked to a GP about it, he just said eat lower GI foods - which I have not done.