But the retail guy said only gay ppl use a CRT?
17" Hitachi LCD
*almost* as much screen space as a 19" CRT
Marc: question is easily answered - he asked his midichlorians to engineer himself a new genetic identity
Come in, relax, light a cigar and spend some quality time with your old friends. ;)
But the retail guy said only gay ppl use a CRT?
Here's an interesting question:
19in Hitachi CRT
mm first searches that came to mind:
staticice is indeed your friend
Google maps are hard to see when capped.
Wow, google maps is dangerously addictive.. I have a feeling i will be looking at it during my prac exam
These tests are so hard
Sweet, thanks Benny.
In so far as I would love to come, we're off to the snow for 3 days tomorrow, and given that I'm pretty much an economic dissaver at this point in time, i doubt i can make it jono. I'm down for hiking though.
Well then! in my defence, I say, just read the blog.
I agree.
Jono don't be lazy mate...
exam status : 1 down, 3 to go on 27th, 29th and 4th
So what's up with people's birthdays again?
haha good detective work darren
exam status: 2 down, 3 to go.. on the 26th, 27th and 30th.
"Best photo ever":
Hash: a lot of things happened but have eluded documentation. Records, like history, are written by the winners.
I'm with you Hash, 8th layer all the way.
Looks like a pretty good deal Darren, think I might be up for that when I get my next pizza.
Hmm so what I saw from the porch of my house about 4 years ago was an optical illusion.
haha not at all Benny, that's fantastic
Sixth Level of Hell - The City of Dis
Wow - seems i am evil as
yeah I'm down...
Okay if anyone's interested I plan to join a beginner's cross-country ski trip with the UNSW Outdoors Club in July.
Ummm, yes, I think I want to go skiing now.
Charlie :: that may all be tru - but how many bonobo's have been documented that did stuff outside their own spieces or genus ???
When you said it was named after you, I thought that the name was going to be Ionize or something cool....er. (Your name is still cool Jono! especially the Lee part)
Check it out
Hash: There are much more disturbing things that we are not aware of. Take the bonobo for example, a male bonobo goes around making love to just about every other bonobos there are. They are heterosexual, homosexual, bisexual, incestuous, the whole lot. Humans, if devoid of a superego, of which is a developmental achievement through socialisation, would do likewise. Fortunately we do have a superego. Unfortunately, some people have not got it fully developed. Hence tragedy prevails. But some may argue that chaos is the very means by which evolution can occur.
I'm not sure whether to blame Spain or Benny - but that was just about the most messed up piece of news I have heard . . . ever.
As Freud would say, such is the consequence of civilised sexual morality. Perversity is part of nature.
Concealable camera? "Hang on while i point my phone at you and check for a certain number.."
Lol looks like festivities are moving along.
Haha Yi if you don't wanna come just say so!
Hmm I said "don't let me hold you back" with sincerity. So if everyone is good for Friday, then seriously, just go for it. I recognised the price I was going to pay for working at Sun Microsystems the day I started. :P
to quote from a certain song..
What about this?: American Women
haha silly charlie
I say we get 'em a stripper, and run an American Pie style house party. After all, 21st is symbolic of transition into adulthood.
Lets all chip in to get a car for the four of them. Then they can take turns driving it. It'll be fun to watch the result
haha idiots!
haha Charlie, are you directing that at Yi?
Seriously, if you value someone, any day's a good day for celebration!
Announcement regarding the upcoming Brithday festivities:
Bennie: Stereophonics to perform their single Dakoda live on Rove next Tuesday.
When you're making a $235 million movie about aliens invading Earth, it's good to have some rules. So in 2003, while Steven Spielberg was shooting "The Terminal" in Montreal, screenwriter David Koepp flew north with a list of cliches that he believed "War of the Worlds" had to avoid. "Here are the things we could not have in this movie," Koepp says. "One: no destruction of famous landmarks. Two: no unnecessary beating up of New York City. Three: no politicians or scientists or generals as main characters. Four: no shots of military leaders pushing ships around on a big map with sticks. And five: no shots of world capitals."
Oh Yi just wondering
um hash, that was a rhetorical question. i think anyone can gather that the website and any publication on it is not to be taken at face value.
yes, tax fraud is bad for people, and the country
... Der Wasserfall Bulletin Board.
Well sorrry if I can't be tired and irritable and cause a fuss :'C
No john, not biased at all . . .
The bulletin board is like a wiki.
Eric: I concur. At the moment it's you, Alan, and me. Kj finish on the 24th too so he may come. Others may take a break and join us. Date would be sometimes between 24th and 27th before John and I head for the snow. The only problem is, if we're getting trashed at Cargo bar, there would not be feasible means for us to get home?
Wow, so many birthdays. So many 21st birthdays. How come everyone's born around June and July? What is the probability of that?! I'll be down for go-carting! I'll be down for BBBBBQ! And I'll also be down for Hash's BBQ.
Scholars, eh? Considering how right-wing I am, this list made me laugh. Let the book burnings commence...
Jono this is for you: on pre-marital sex.
Why? You dogged your 21st already
hahah PEOPLE! This is horrible!
Orsome Darren - a par-tay, right b4 an important exam
Sounds great! Especially the arvo thingy for the girls!!! ^^
Everyone on vodafone can dial 1213 on your mobile to cancel voicemail diversions.
Oh, as a matter of my subconscious procrastination, I was thinking go-karting might be the order of the day.
Hey dude, I do have an exam on Monday July 4 and I will already be cramming for that one.
You computer guys looking for a bit of extra cash?
Funny quote I just heard on the radio news about the oil spillage in the city
Despite the likelihood that I can make it, I dissent.
cse revue is looking for cast members now, could this be... YOU??
man i also wanted to maybe do something with CSE revue with cast or tech maybe
3-4 weeks sounds like a great break, but for me it depends on where I am working and what time period you are thinking of doing it.
no mention of my name Char and the discussion at my place?
given your ambitious plans and desire for flexibility and less driving/outside ratio, i think a feasible duration would be three to four weeks.
Sounds good.
Ok guys, following our most awesome road trip back in 2003, Bennie, Yi and I was discussing the possibility of another road trip. The tentative date would be sometimes between mid Jan to late feb before uni starts for some of us. Given that:
seems like George St. Cinemas posted up some more times.
well ne1 who is actually interested in coming, just rock up at the appropriate time.
If (you need speed) {
if (you can get ADSL2/2+) {
get ADSL2/2+
} else {
get OptusNet Cable
} else {
if (OptusNet Cable fits your wallet) {
get OptusNet Cable
} else {
get cheap ADSL
yi, i believe you have optus cable.
If you'd like a study break (unlike me, who hasn't even started yet), check out some photos of our weekend climbing trip to Nowra.
Change of plan: pre-exam drinks tonight postponed to post exam drinks. date will be announced later. Have fun cramming all =)
That's what gives English its power
English is the most widespread stupid, unstructured (and therefore random) language. Compared to English, Latin is a thing of beauty
haha 2 man fighting is hilarious
actually - i cam across virii being used the other day in an IRC chat channel.
one moose, two meese..
i think we all remember from high school maths that the plural for focus is foci.
Latin serves well when looking for the plural
virii, its only used be english elitists, along with radii and Julii? ( more than one Julius)
Free Beethoven. Get in quick because:
When are the nine symphonies available to download as mp3 files?
Symphonies 1 & 3 will be broadcast on Monday 6th June, and available to download from Tuesday 7th June to Monday 13th June.
Symphonies 2, 4 & 5 will be broadcast on Tuesday 7th June, and available to download from Wednesday 8th June to Tuesday 14th June.
Symphony 6 will be broadcast on Monday 27th June, and available to download from Tuesday 28th June to Monday 4th July.
Symphony 7 will be broadcast on Tuesday 28th June, and available to download from Wednesday 29th June to Tuesday 5th July.
Symphony 8 will be broadcast on Wednesday 29th June, and available to download from Thursday 30th June to Wednesday 6th July.
Symphony 9 will be broadcast on Thursday 30th June, and available to download from Friday 1st July to Thursday 7th July.
Message from Alan Huynh:
bad news everyone..
but seriously darren, if you think you are getting too many emails, let me know.
This is absolutely hilarious
haha you'd hope maybe, Marc
ok then mr 'president'..
so apparently, officially, I'm now the president of the unsw outdoors club. . .
There will be 2 formats in this tournament: 1v1 mania
UNSWCG is now confirmed...
Brain anyone?
Grease Mooning (TV screen).
understandable john
prices almost double after june, which adds to the already expensive costs. so far we have 4 provisionally confirmed, me and charlie included.
Gees Thanks Marc
I just found that theres not much you cant make out of Lego, and that some people have ALOT of free time on their hands
Is that what you do during work Yi?
what a great day it was down at Sussex Inlet, thanks for sharing it with us Renee! Theres no way my birthday celebrations (coming soon!) could match it..
One of Manfred von Richthofen AKA Red Baron's planes:
anyone interested in a ski trip at the end of the month? most likely between the dates of 24th and 28th, and is likely to be a 3 day + 2 night affair.
Nothing like waking up and stumbling upon the song i've always been looking for!
Comic relief to whom?
hash: use your available resources to bargain. Say that you have a 95% group assignment that needs to be done with extensive collaboration with group colleagues. Parents don't always need to know everything you do with your life. In fact if they did, they'll probably have a heart attack.
wow, rabbits grow fast
Train your rabbits to eat ants
I have been barred from further excursions =(