yeah hey marc good job
but is the bulletin meant to display on the actual front page of the blog site? i see bulletin with a big grey area and as you mention you have to click on the actual bulletin link.
just wondering if that's intentional?
Come in, relax, light a cigar and spend some quality time with your old friends. ;)
yeah hey marc good job
I have just implemented a new feature. May not look that different, but changing the bulletin is a lot easier and accessible to everyone now. Just click Bulletin :)
Hey ppl ...
Marc, if you bundle cable, phone and tv, you'll get 4 months free per year. If you bundle cable and phone, you'll get 3 months free per year. Of course, you can switch the tv with mobile.. you just need 3 services for 4 months and 2 services for 3 months.
Hmmm, I think I might look into TPG and see what kind of contracts they offer. How far are you from the exchange and does it affect your speed significantly? Or maybe I should wait until everyone leaves cable then I can have the phat cable all to myself
Does anyone have a version of Bruce Springsteen's 'Devils and Dust' that does not have the aol voiceover?
Don't go too hard out tomorrow at climbing ppl..
too lazy to post this as an announcement on the bulletin
telstra is the only isp i know of where your value for money actually goes down over time, rather than up.
I'm using onlineconnect. 256k dl/ 56k ul for 55 bucks a month. I've also negotiated with them, being a loyal customer for 9 months and now they give me unlimited upload and download. If I leave my comp on 24/7, may be able to churn out 30gb a month. Sadly my lousy laptop have only 5 gb operational space.
Wow...haven't blogged for so long.
One click thesis
Hey Yi... Despite the long directions its actually easier than going to chatswood an doing that
If you haven't checked already:
Darren - another reason they might be washing those cars
Hey PPLS, for those able to come on Sat I'll give you directions
Check out whirlpool. Seriously considering ADSL.
We don't want to tell the police because:
there is an iranian family living across from our house who live across from us and they own 4 cars, and besides loving to park in front of their house and ours, creating a narrow section of road, they also love to wash their cars on a more-than weekly basis.
my neighbours have left notes on their cars saying how they shouldn't park so close to the corner.
dunno, ever thought about, speaking to them, maybe?
they park one in their driveway, and the others are illegally parked on the both sides of the street at the corner.
that's just like my street. a bunch of stupid honkie international students have 5 cars living in one house at the entrance to my street; effectively making it a one-way entrance/exit. quite dangerous considering that you can't see cars coming as you're turning into the street.
The family across the street own 5 cars. They live on the corner of the street. They refuse to park in their driveway/garage on the other street. Instead they would like to block our whole street with those 5 cars.
Just as a reminder
Just a reminder everyone...
for those interested in climbing the "getting their arms pumped"; i.e. lactic acid build up
No trumpets sound when the important decisions of our life are made.
John: Depends on what kind of phone. if its one of those new-fangled phone/camera/radio/tv/email/internet ones, then yes. a landline doesnt count.
Darren I think the question can be rephrased:
If anyone has spare time read this:
Just a reminder about Pancakes on the rocks today (Thursday) at 7pm.
Heres an interesting question.. when was the last day that you didn't use a computer?
And we have rotation!
That article is just scare-mongering. Chances of getting sick in the next 70 years: Very High... -.-
Having Ps for a total of 3 years? Priceless
Train to Wynyard = $2.40
I love it how they have ads for SAAB etc right in the middle of an article about a woman fighting for her life.
And now, a paraphrased message from Annie:
Yep, Charlie, that sounds very technical, with the word Vicissitudes being used 5 times including the question.
Mr Wiswantanu could ask for Corby to be executed or sentenced to life imprisonment and Mr Rasiah said it was a bad time for Mr Bakir to have made his claims. [about the prosecutor soliciting bribes from the defence]
Fark, is anyone else as pissed off as I am about the Schappelle Corby case?
Omg, I wrote this and after having done so, while reading over, i'm confused as to what I wrote?
That's quite unfortunate Mr. Jono...
KJ: A BBQ like that sounds absolutely grand.
The rabbit has gone through enough stress lately. I am going to give it a break for a while. Besides, I think its distracting some ppl from playing soccer :p
haha very well worded Charlie
Marc your parents had their anniversary last week didn't they? Your mum must be overloaded with gifts.
Don't think I can play Charlie; an one-month old ankle injury reinstated itself at Sunday's game.
i suggest the same place as last time, the park next to central.. and at around the same time as well, 1 til we cant play any more.
so yeah who's interested in soccer for this saturday 16th?
oops, oh dear. thanks for edit.
the efficient markets hypothesis implies that all information about assets are already represented in the price of the said asset. hence it is useless to collect and analyse data, and it makes even less sense to systematically invest in any securities with hope of abnormal profits. all this is based on the assumption that people are rational, logical and risk averse.
Could one of the admins send these Invites please, for:
i'm interested in that soccer team thing, but which day would it usually be? monday tuesday and friday are good for me, and depending how long it is, the other days are also good
Hey is anyone interested in soccer (indoor or outdoor) as a lunchtime sport once a week?
Any one want soccer tomorrow arvo?
Oh yeah soccer tomorrow at UNSW (if you're in the neighborhood) after 12 noon at the physics lawns
Would love to come along to soccer, but I have the an essay and an exam next week. Tis the consequence for overloading oneself.
Trip down memory lane:
Yeah guys there's a soccer game this Sunday at 3pm at West Lindfield if you'd like to join.
3 kinds of sausages, 2 kinds of steak and 1 live terrified rabbit added to the festivities
well, John doesnt have to be your real name.. either that or they dont have to know anything else more specific about you in relation to identification.
why do they call it alcoholics anonymous when the first thing you say is "hi my name is john and i'm an alcoholic"?
Ahhhh I feel like I'm missing out too much on these happy events..
I remember someone brought up the subject of reminiscent music. When I went to Barcelona's beaches I kept on thinking about the song "Barcelona" by D kay and Epsilon.
Just curious as to who will be going to the BBQ, and if I'm invited. :)
awesome dude, so yeah bring those if you can, and benny bring yours too if you can.
BBQ is *on*
I've been trying to get in contact with James today but he's not responding, cell or internet