Monday, January 31, 2005

Hey dude, you in britain now?
[edit] duhhh.....

The Great Eye is watching...

And so is the Pintara sitting in the garage all alone.

Sunday, January 30, 2005

Sure Renee, but i'm not sure how i can pass the street directory to you.....

Yeah currently still booked for Feb 14. Trying daily to get earlier seats but they're pretty booked out due to Chinese New Year, and I'm flying on miles not a paid ticket so I'm lower priority. But I'm seeing what I can do.

Saturday, January 29, 2005

Monkeys Pay to See Female Monkey Bottoms

Thursday, January 27, 2005

this reminds me of Fullmetal Alchemist.

Wednesday, January 26, 2005

This might be too late, but if you guys could opt for Sunday instead, then i can come along with a car too.

A year on, and we still don't have sufficient drivers/cars for trips?

What am I coming back to?! Nooooo~ you untechnologically advanced peoples you

A big horrah to Renee for organising this. Working out
the details, timetables, to what to bring lists -- marvelous work!

And I'll see you folks on Saturday. Don't forget your (mine) camera Eric ;)

Tuesday, January 25, 2005

James: You have a plasma TV now? wowwwwwww

Sorry, was reviewing older emails; that was dated Aug 25, 2004.
Ahh the old emails are much fun.

Saturday Jambaroo sounds great and I will definitely go.

However, I've been ruled not fit to drive such distances having
just got my red Ps.

Could John, Benny or Yi take my place? Are you guys comming
with us?

Monday, January 24, 2005

This is scary
never before was a something actually planned in advance
it was all
"rock up around [time] at [place]"

Wow, the blog is alive with helpful career advice. Is it time to step out into the real world?

Yi: that interesting read was very much one.

Renee: I am interested in Bundeena too, but i dont know when you are planning it.. Is it a day trip or something longer?

Sunday, January 23, 2005

linda will be coming too =)
the more the merrier!

mm why is it so early?

In addition to the other comments, i think most of your points in reference to your qualifications and skills should already be in the resume, so cut it down in the cover letter.
The letter should serve primarily to invoke interest in you, so as to score yourself an interview. So maybe play a bit more on curiosity and flattery. By that i mean limit self-promotion to a modicum, but sufficient to get them interested in finding out more about you. Also a touch of flattery will do you more good than bad. Make sure it's not personal though, i.e direct it at the company or the position rather than the person. Note here I'm assuming the person you direct this letter to is either the general or the HR manager, who may not necessarily have technical expertise, and that's exactly why flattery may work.
Yi's gave the best example:
"Sun is exactly the type of employer that I wish to work for. Someone that can provide exciting challenges that bring forth the best that employees can offer."


Saturday, January 22, 2005

geez i don't check this blog for 2 days and everyone writes 500 word posts?

is it me or is this funny, from Cardiff university in the UK:

"In English, a preposition is generally considered a bad thing to end a sentence with. "

an interesting read.

Haha dude I gotta say, that is a cover letter.
Not just because Yi rubbed my shiny butt but it's so concise and to the point.
Especially his "excellent" skills everywhere, very 1337
Most importantly, Yi agrees with me

This post was very valuable

If I may, my winning cover letter written up in 5 minutes in CSE basement after 10 minutes of Googling, e-mailed to Mr. Begg 15 minutes before the deadline, all thanks to James's pushing and shoving is attached below :)


Dear Mr. Begg,

The attached resume and academic transcript is in response to the Sun
Microsystems NSW IT Internship position.

Sun is exactly the type of employer that I wish to work for. Someone that can
provide exciting challenges that bring forth the best that employees can offer.

I am an articulate Software Engineering[sic] with specific interests in usability,
networking and web development. My track record as team leader for 3
consecutive years in the Software Engineering Workshop proves my leadership
capabilities and the excellent results in said courses demonstrates my team
work skills and passion to the Software Engineering profession.

With excellent results in my penultimate year, I can offer Sun my skills in
Operating System, Networking and advanced programming experience in leading technologies like AspectJ and Python+QT but also methodologies like Extreme Programming and the traditional waterfall model.

If I may, I will follow up with you in a few days to answer any preliminary
questions you may have.

In the meantime, you may wish to contact me at:
Home : [insert number]
Mobile : [insert number]
E-mail: [insert e-mail]

Thank you very much for your time and consideration.

Yi Huang


Call me lucky... but after working at Sun for 2 weeks and finding out about my job and future projects, I realised how specific, relevant and lucky that cover letter was.

1. My manager was looking for a software engineer.
2. My manager was looking for a person who can interact and work with around 6-7 other people who's not in Australia. (team work and communication)
3. My manager was looking for a network literate person.
4. My manager was looking for a java programmer.

And now to comment on your cover letter.
Uhmm... Jono said it pretty well actually. All of his points are very good. Seriously. The research I did before I wrote mine stressed on a lot of those points as well.
You are meant to impress with your cover letter. Make as much of it as memorable as possible in as little time as possible.

On more particular points (in addition to Jono's points):

As Jono said, your e-mail really should be directed to a single person. For me, there was a name in the promo so it was easy. You'll probably need to research a little but you need to find a name.

After three years studying Computer Engineering in the University of New South Wales, I am compelled to step out into the real world to apply what I have learned.
Your first sentence sucks. It almost sounds like you are either bored with studying or desperate for IT and hence you have come out looking for a job. You don't want to sound like that.

I believe Hunter’s Hill’s IT Trainee position is the perfect place for me to begin this journey;
"being this journey"?
You sound like you are going to depart from the company already!!!
You need sound eager to work for me, not eager to leave when you have my time, money and knowledge!!!

its requirement of both technical and literary competency is ideally matched to my background and experience.
Good. Now back it up.

My university career in Computer Engineering demonstrates a balance of academic excellence and dedicated involvement. This is reflected by my achievements in highly challenging subjects (especially so in UNSW) from Operating Systems to Software Engineering.
Ok. So you have backed up the technical point.

My technical strengths are well balanced with an interpersonal side as demonstrated by my current work in Human Computer Interaction.
This says nothing to me. HCI is a computer subject, teaching you about GUI's and the like. Says nothing about your "literary competency" nor your "interpersonal side".

In 2003, I began to involve myself with the university. In 2004, I was elected Publicity Officer of the Association of Computer Machinery, the first and premier society in the school of Computer Science and Engineering and the only to constantly provide students with links to the industry. I also took part in marketing and sponsorship developments for the school’s highly popular yearly revue. Just recently I’ve also been nominated as a student representative for the Board of Engineering. These involvements gave me first hand experience in dealing with colleges and greatly improved my communication, team work and delegating skills.
This whole paragraph is WAY too long. Unless in their promo they specifically stressed for extra curricula activities then it's too long. And don't mention the 2003 either. State all of the societies you have been in, but don't elaborate too much.

Since 2001 I have worked as a freelance journalist writing on I.T. industry, specialising in computer architecture and 3D graphics. During this time, I’ve had over eighty commercial publications and nominated twice for best IT writer. Working with numerous lab staff and editors has greatly refined my problem solving and communication skills. I believe my experienced gained in effective problem solving and unique knowledge of the industry will be invaluable in aiding the work of the council.
This is a good paragraph with solid content! Though still too long. And as Jono said, this should be placed higher in your cover letter since it demonstrates your literary skills (if that's important from the promo).

Tell us why you want to work for us!! And don't say it's because you are "compelled to step out into the real world to apply what [you] have learned". I want to know why YOU want to work for ME!! (and why that's beneficial for me of course. :D ).

In summary, it's too long. It doesn't tell me why you want to work for me. It isn't memorable. Oh and check spelling and grammar. I think I spotted one but can't find it now. Notice I also had an error. :D

4 posts, 4 unrelated topics
coherency isn't a word is it

Good point on the laptop Li-ion batts
NiMH's also have "memory", I believe? Could be wrong.
In other words you basically need to discharge fully before recharging.
Beauty with Li-ions is when you go away on multi-day trips with your camera, you will recharge every night, regardless of how much you've used it (within reason), so no memory on batts is good, just a small example.

Enough advocacy on that one. Li-ions are expensive (think mine is ~$60 USD retail) but I think they're well worth it, along with James black-market version suggestions.

James still follows up on a crapload of cameras hey.

John: already answered your question about this. Also, I hope my speaking to Linda and my reference to her as "my love" in our very first conversation wasn't too forward. If it was, I need to work on my girl skills, or join the Air Force and let the uniform do the job.

Renee got your non no magazine (for the guys, it's a girly jap magazine), surprisingly it weighs like 600g at least; what's inside, like a glass perfume bottle?
Just kiddin, think I secured the Jan 05 version though. No sight of the Feb edition, and not sure I could afford the extra weight anyhow (serious here).


James, will edit that in a word doc and repost/send it
briefly from the top of my head (being more critical, you know you'll take it as good)

- top liner: try to get a name in, instead of dear "sir/madam". Obviously not always possible unless you know who you're directing the letter to. And shoot for the top/head person, that's how I got my Channel 7 Nightly News work experience in year 10 (brag brag). Think this way: mail in your letter box - How many envelopes do you open and *read* that say, "Dear home owner" or "Dear sir/madam"; versus how many you read with, "Dear James Wang"?
I never thoroughly read "Dear house occupant" mail, but that's just me

- paragraph 1 i've read multiple times without 100% concentration and not much is going in. Maybe it's just me, but this is the only cover letter I've read, unlike the hundred others they could receive. In short, bit blurby, not much impact.

- paragraph 2: better, closer, warmer (for the Tenacious D fans). Cut it some, leave unnecessary words out. Aim to cut it "a noticeable" amount if you stepped back and glanced at it.

- paragraph 3: dude now you're talking. Why'd you take so long? Best IT writer? Bam! I want that up front. Alright it might not suit up front, but hear it this way: the employer might never even reach this paragraph to say his "wows".

- Yours sincerely? Are you dynamic or are you static, there's gotta be a slightly more unique ending than that, even if they might not read it. You don't want it to be a "Wham Bam Thankyou Ma'am" ending, but something to dwindle over. The uniqueness is all you, if that makes any sense.

Some admin-style suggs:
Paragraphs *ok*, pushing the long side. Definitely wouldn't hurt to reduce it, since what I read, I'd also like to remember. I don't remember much about that first paragraph except something about hunter's hill, which is my company's name.

Oh, justify your font and put some spaces between paragraphs; I thought you were a magazine writer? Obviously not an editor.
Apart from the first half-second glance, if they skim your letter (guaranteed?), it's easier for them to catch your important points as new lines/paragraphs focus their attention when they skim

Furthermore, I hope you've read/skimmed this:

A couple of links to click around on.

Some good fundamentals there like, "Tell them why you are the best fit for the company and how your skills will meet their needs"
Should be obvious. You've got skills, but do they need em? If so, tell them. If not, convince them they'll need them(?). Try also finding out what their problem(s) are and how you'd help them if they hired you.

Cut like Eddie Scissorhands; toughest job, but incredibly important.
You don't need to tell them all your good sides, just enough to interest them in interviewing you and seeing just how old your 21-yr-old butt is.

Finally, you sure *you* want to work for *them*?
They hire you...job're outta there. I definitely have some experience on this one.

Man this is an ass nailing and 2 halves. Sorry, but I have a smile doing this, funnily enough. Hey you know it's all good for you.

After all, I am waiting for you to get me a job at NASA.

P.S. Yes, The Channel 7 News position did reject me when I wrote the letter to "Dear Sir/Madam" (to that effect). I wrote another one to the actual head person (not HR, the whole department) and got the spot. Don't ask me, weird world.

Then again, Yi's the one with the actual job. All this could be garb.

And for the engineers, some random quote from a big U.S. Aerospace firm recruiter:
"The engineering student interviewees that we get usually aren't cheerleaders"
So are you Yi the cheerleader or Dilbert. Dilbert's cool, though all companies need both types of people.

URGH this is SO much BLURB
I'm going to bed to read shirlock holmes.

Friday, January 21, 2005

Hi guys,
I've been recently told my cover letters are _________. And I'm not so
sure what that is. It'll help a lot if you can provide some feedback on
what's good and bad about it. Please post your thoughts. Thanks.

James Wang
16 Boulton St.
Putney NSW

Phone: 0424 236 285
Email: xxx


Re: IT Trainee

Dear Sir/Madam,
After three years studying Computer Engineering in the University of New South Wales, I am compelled to step out into the real world to apply what I have learned. I believe Hunter’s Hill’s IT Trainee position is the perfect place for me to begin this journey; its requirement of both technical and literary competency is ideally matched to my background and experience.
My university career in Computer Engineering demonstrates a balance of academic excellence and dedicated involvement. This is reflected by my achievements in highly challenging subjects (especially so in UNSW) from Operating Systems to Software Engineering. My technical strengths are well balanced with an interpersonal side as demonstrated by my current work in Human Computer Interaction.
In 2003, I began to involve myself with the university. In 2004, I was elected Publicity Officer of the Association of Computer Machinery, the first and premier society in the school of Computer Science and Engineering and the only to constantly provide students with links to the industry. I also took part in marketing and sponsorship developments for the school’s highly popular yearly revue. Just recently I’ve also been nominated as a student representative for the Board of Engineering. These involvements gave me first hand experience in dealing with colleges and greatly improved my communication, team work and delegating skills.
Since 2001 I have worked as a freelance journalist writing on I.T. industry, specialising in computer architecture and 3D graphics. During this time, I’ve had over eighty commercial publications and nominated twice for best IT writer. Working with numerous lab staff and editors has greatly refined my problem solving and communication skills. I believe my experienced gained in effective problem solving and unique knowledge of the industry will be invaluable in aiding the work of the council.

My resume is attached to this email. Thanks for taking your time to consider my application.

Yours sincerely,
James Wang

if you were to be a birthday cake, which kind would you be?

Rutter's being too serious.

What about laptops? If the Li-ION (Jono batteries!) are so bad, then
where are the hordes of pissed off laptop owners?

Li-ION is the best battery tech, period.

I especially recommend Sony's Infolithium series. They tell you exactly
how many minutes you have left on your camera, instead of having 3 vague
battery bars. Li-ION is also so much lighter than NMHi. With 4 NMHis, a
huge portion of the weight of the camera is going to be the batteries.

But yes, the cost of Li-ION through official channels are redicioulous. Buy
them from Ebay or Blue-tin instead. Mine costs about 40 bucks.

As for good night shots and more control, you want something like a Canon
S series (S60/S70) or Sony (V1/V3) for compactness. Or if you want more
oomph, get a Canon G6t or Sony V3.

Canon and Sony makes the best 'prosumer' cameras. Nikon makes very bad
prosumer cameras. Olympus is also okay. Fuji I don't know.

Canon and Nikon makes the best digital SLRs.

John: good checking, but the link doesn't seem to work againnnn. Randomness

Marc: Don't know much about Rutter's bias on Li-ions there, or how many articles you've read on this stuff. All I know is my one lasts a crapload of a long time, it's a beauty. I've used it on an off since the US but I haven't needed to recharge it since I left on Dec 27. :)

Also just noticed, what's the one thing you can't take a picture of?
your damn camera battery

haha KJ

The Fuji takes terrible night shots. I want to get a camera where I can experiment a bit more. I've looked at a few cameras and I like the Olympus one the best so far.

But is what Dan Rutter said true? About li-ions having a shelf life from the time they are made?

I can't find the article online so I'll plagiarise it by hand...

"The Big problem with Li-ion is that its got less life expectancy than a Nexus Six Replicant (?). 2 years - 3 at the outside.

"Whether you use it hard or leave it on the shelf, there's a good chance a Li-ion battery will be so degraded as to be useless after only a couple of years. And thats a couple of years after its made, not a couple of years after you buy it...

"There may well be 'new old stock' Li-ion batteries in the original sealed packaging out there, but they'll all be useless."

I like to keep spare batteries in case my camera runs out in the middle of the day where I can't charge it. So if I buy a spare Li-ion, according to Dan Rutter, guess what will happen to both? I think the batteries are $71 each for that particular camera.

Thats why Im more attracted to AA NiMH. But I guess if I get a camera, I might end up putting it aside in 2-3 years anyway *ahem Fuji* ^^

Any nation that decides the only way to achieve peace is through peaceful means is a nation that will soon be a piece of another nation.
Richard Nixon

I'm interested in all outings.

Wow... sounds/looks great....
unfortunately due to lack of funds (even tho im working 6 days a week)
im gunna have to pass on this one..
soz all...

and Mr.Asia and Han... thanx for tha party an all..
I really enjoyed it (AHHH mY $20) ^^

sorry i couldnt make lunch... (tho i realli wanted to jig work)

Oh well... i guess the next thing im certain i can go to is Jono's Place..

(its been too long since i went to that place...... too long for all of us)

Thursday, January 20, 2005

i'm interested in bundeena!

the link was down for a couple of days for some reason. i just checked and its working now. =)

Marc: she's of close relations to spain, isn't she?

Also, I bought my camera from a US store on ebay.

I know how much that helps, that's why I said it.

Also I am with James on the Li-ion, to me it's just always been better.

Undated warranty, that is awesomeeeee. Shoot for that too, warranties are great for people like me who throw cameras over the grand canyon and drop it on concrete (true story). Not that that damaged it, but warranties are great.

Getting a new camera already hey?

Renee: I'm interested in bundeena, but uh...i'm a little ways out at the moment.
where's bundeena anyhow? john's link didn't work from memory

Wednesday, January 19, 2005

Marc, I bought mine at bluetin.
They gave me a purposely 'undated' warantee
card which came in handly already. My 717 went through
service at no cost recently, depsite having long passed
the 1 year mark.

I prefer Li-ION infinitely over AA. AA might be an option if the
camera has a built in AA charger, but otherwise, I'd steer clear
from it.

You want to take your camera home, plug in a cable and let it charge
and stop automatically. You really don't want to take out the batteries, insert
them into a third party charger and hope they don't explode the next

BTW, what kind of camera do you want to buy and how much are you spending?

You should, but it might have been a while since you seen her.

Renee picked it up straight away...

Where did u guys buy ur digital cameras? (I didn't buy this current fuji one, my sis picked it up at duty free) surprisingly almost matches bluetin, sometimes even cheaper.

Also...which is better: AA Ni-MH or L-ion? Hmm, after reading Dan Rutter's article im leaning toward AA

Edit: Am looking at Olympus C770UZ

I know all of you were so looking forward to it
the 12-2-04 paintball service has been indefinitely delayed forever only .

I apologize for the delay and any incovenience caused.


btw - since u guys missed the last truly magical event, why don't u head
down to Sydney Bowlers Club this Saturday and be dazzled and delighted by the suprise that awaits you there.

here's a question marc: would I know who this person is supposed to look like?

interesting stats charlie
well, not charlie.
but interesting article.


Tuesday, January 18, 2005

How was the illegal gambling after we left Han's place?

I was browsing bluetin and I thought I came across a familiar face...

Edit: Its like magic eye, you have to stand back for a bit and let it sink in

Sorry i couldn't make it to the lunch john, but Orsome party Andrew and JOhn !

hope for many more years of fun and money loss in poker !

Monday, January 17, 2005

Positively absolutely thoroughly enjoyed your birthdays H & J!


Lets get our hair trimmed in accordance with the socialist lifestyle

Thank you John and Andrew for a great day. It was really, really really.... good.

Whats a Bundeena?

Thanks John! I had great fun at Yum Cha eating myself silly. Hope you look sleek and pro with your new bag. ;)

Sunday, January 16, 2005

thank you everyone for coming to han and i's b'day thingy.
your gracious attendance means so much more than your already thoughtful gifts, of which i appreciate muchly.

as i said, the day was about fun, and i think that objective was achieved fabulously.

now who's birthday is coming up? =)


Nah, if I was the kid's parent, I wouldn't get him cable -- I'd get
him to do a MBTI first!

I got sent out by the ref for breathing my goggles (no I didn't take them off). It wasn't fun. I will probably go if everyone goes, but our first paintball experience is much more preferrable.

Hah! Dude that is whack

"It's important to point out that only those proposals which are deemed appropriate, based on stringent human effects, legal, and international treaty reviews are considered fordevelopment or acquisition."

i wonder what else they can come up with without those laws

James: Don't be picky. Maybe they'll have gay bombs at heartbreak ridge. Or at the first place we went to.

US developed 'Gay Bomb'

Saturday, January 15, 2005

I would love to join paintball but I really don't like Heartbreak Ridge. I had a terrible time there the last time I visited. Service just unenjoyable. I strongly prefer the place we went to the first time with Jono. Is there anyway you can organise it there?

Doom movie - has a Dr. Carmack . . .

well everyone who didn't get the msg b4
Paintball is being organised !!!

This was the forwarded mail
Organiser - Shamin Kinathil

[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[START MAIL]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]

When: February 12th (Saturday)
Where: Heartbreak Ridge (
--Predator Pack $70, 400 shots
--Mercenary Pack $100 600 shots
--Terminator Pack $130, 800 shots + 100 shot bonus
--Rambo Pack $180, 1100 shots + 300 shot bonus
Camouflage overalls, anti-fog mask, and TGR Vest is included in all 4 packs.

Everyone will also get a share of my organisers bonuses.

A $40 deposit has to be remitted 3 weeks before the play date, you
then pay the pack price minus the deposit on the play date. For
example, if you're getting the Terminator Pack you give me the $40
deposit and pay the remaining $90 on the day.

1. Can I get the cheapest pack ? ('coz Ima snipe everyones arse)
I strongly recommend that you go for either the Terminator or Rambo
because you'll spam like crazy, the paintballs start to curve after a
while so sniping is close to impossible. Spamming is more fun.
2. Does it hurt
It *can* be painful, but it's all part of the experience
3.Can I pay the deposit later ?
If you absolutely can't pay the deposit on time then let me know and
I'll work something out with you
4. How do I get there ?
A few people will be driving, me included so getting there shouldnt be a problem
5. Can I bring other people along ?
Definitely! The more the merrier, just let me know who they are and
make sure that they get their deposits in on time
6. How do I give you my deposit ?
You can either give it to me in person, deposit it directly into my
bank account or give it to someone to give to me
7. Can I pull out after giving in my depost
Yes, you will get a refund as long as they get one weeks notice

[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[END MAIL]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]

so neone who is interested, we require funds by 22nd of January, 2005

If u know Shamin, then give the funds to him, else give them to me and
i will give them to him.

Friday, January 14, 2005

Eat Han? That man has nothing!

Thursday, January 13, 2005

For those who don't know where Han lives:
15 Elbon Avenue

Yi is obviously under immense pressure..

Wednesday, January 12, 2005 style:

[words of praise]
[congratulatory phrases]
[comforting words]
[upbeat summary]
[final congratulation]
[hope for future events]

you're on a roll

a sandwich!

Tuesday, January 11, 2005

indeed. a toast!

Kj, we had great fun that day. Major highlights include James' culinary expertise, intense tip games leaving overstreched muscles that's managed to come back and haunt us, water balloon duals in wild wild west cowboy styles and matrix style dodge tactics, and finally, for some of us, the hunt for the wanton rabbit.

I think I speak for all when I say: thank James for inviting us over for a joyous day.

Monday, January 10, 2005

omg they are actually making a film on doom

Thanks to everyone who attended my first Pizza Party!

I'm flattered to have received such high praise from otherwise
cynical individuals (hello Lucy). In all seriousness, I had a
great time, and John, your water baloon fight idea really spiced
up the day.

Renee -- you are a dear for comming all this way to make a cake.
Your curry is also a life saver! Hope you're feeling better.

Yi -- you're a hero for taking charge in cleaning up the hell storm we generated.
Bravo to you!

For the rest of you who couldn't make it, don't worry -- I'll host a bigger and
better one for Jono's welcome back party. I'm sure you wont' miss

Until then, enjoy your holidays!

Sunday, January 09, 2005

Im in too Mr. John....

and how was Pizza Day .? unfortunately i couldnt go due to work ....

Saturday, January 08, 2005

Woah, never before has the blog been filled with such wonderful and funky posters. Count me in John!

Friday, January 07, 2005

Hmm, Don't pay the bill by credit card...

Thursday, January 06, 2005

Butters - you're going to the UK in late January?

Tuesday, January 04, 2005

Happy New Year all..

oooh, abandonware..

wow. i used to play that gp500 2 game a lot back in the day.

and to think, i actually paid the equivalent of aud $2 for the 50 in 1 pirated cd for that game...

Monday, January 03, 2005

Did you guys try DOSBox when you tried to play Mechwarrior 2?

Alas the days of old...

(too lazy to link it)

Hmmm my place hasn't changed much

Sunday, January 02, 2005
windy day hey
good effect.

so how'd you get in my house
and don't tell me you took that in 2003 before I left

Ahh that's so sweet Charlie...
Where're you workin at?

Saturday, January 01, 2005

unfortunately 14th is a Monday so will likely be working. But Johno if your jet lag isn't that bad, we could congregate for a party after work. I finish at around 10.