Hey dude, you in britain now?
[edit] duhhh.....

Come in, relax, light a cigar and spend some quality time with your old friends. ;)
Yeah currently still booked for Feb 14. Trying daily to get earlier seats but they're pretty booked out due to Chinese New Year, and I'm flying on miles not a paid ticket so I'm lower priority. But I'm seeing what I can do.
this reminds me of Fullmetal Alchemist.
This might be too late, but if you guys could opt for Sunday instead, then i can come along with a car too.
A year on, and we still don't have sufficient drivers/cars for trips?
A big horrah to Renee for organising this. Working out
James: You have a plasma TV now? wowwwwwww
Saturday Jambaroo sounds great and I will definitely go.
This is scary
Wow, the blog is alive with helpful career advice. Is it time to step out into the real world?
is it me or is this funny, from Cardiff university in the UK:
Haha dude I gotta say, that is a cover letter.
If I may, my winning cover letter written up in 5 minutes in CSE basement after 10 minutes of Googling, e-mailed to Mr. Begg 15 minutes before the deadline, all thanks to James's pushing and shoving is attached below :)
Your first sentence sucks. It almost sounds like you are either bored with studying or desperate for IT and hence you have come out looking for a job. You don't want to sound like that.
After three years studying Computer Engineering in the University of New South Wales, I am compelled to step out into the real world to apply what I have learned.
I believe Hunter’s Hill’s IT Trainee position is the perfect place for me to begin this journey;"being this journey"?
its requirement of both technical and literary competency is ideally matched to my background and experience.Good. Now back it up.
My university career in Computer Engineering demonstrates a balance of academic excellence and dedicated involvement. This is reflected by my achievements in highly challenging subjects (especially so in UNSW) from Operating Systems to Software Engineering.Ok. So you have backed up the technical point.
My technical strengths are well balanced with an interpersonal side as demonstrated by my current work in Human Computer Interaction.This says nothing to me. HCI is a computer subject, teaching you about GUI's and the like. Says nothing about your "literary competency" nor your "interpersonal side".
In 2003, I began to involve myself with the university. In 2004, I was elected Publicity Officer of the Association of Computer Machinery, the first and premier society in the school of Computer Science and Engineering and the only to constantly provide students with links to the industry. I also took part in marketing and sponsorship developments for the school’s highly popular yearly revue. Just recently I’ve also been nominated as a student representative for the Board of Engineering. These involvements gave me first hand experience in dealing with colleges and greatly improved my communication, team work and delegating skills.This whole paragraph is WAY too long. Unless in their promo they specifically stressed for extra curricula activities then it's too long. And don't mention the 2003 either. State all of the societies you have been in, but don't elaborate too much.
Since 2001 I have worked as a freelance journalist writing on I.T. industry, specialising in computer architecture and 3D graphics. During this time, I’ve had over eighty commercial publications and nominated twice for best IT writer. Working with numerous lab staff and editors has greatly refined my problem solving and communication skills. I believe my experienced gained in effective problem solving and unique knowledge of the industry will be invaluable in aiding the work of the council.This is a good paragraph with solid content! Though still too long. And as Jono said, this should be placed higher in your cover letter since it demonstrates your literary skills (if that's important from the promo).
4 posts, 4 unrelated topics
Hi guys,
Rutter's being too serious.
John: good checking, but the link doesn't seem to work againnnn. Randomness
The Fuji takes terrible night shots. I want to get a camera where I can experiment a bit more. I've looked at a few cameras and I like the Olympus one the best so far.
Wow... sounds/looks great....
i'm interested in bundeena!
Marc: she's of close relations to spain, isn't she?
Marc, I bought mine at bluetin.
You should, but it might have been a while since you seen her.
I know all of you were so looking forward to it
here's a question marc: would I know who this person is supposed to look like?
How was the illegal gambling after we left Han's place?
Sorry i couldn't make it to the lunch john, but Orsome party Andrew and JOhn !
Lets get our hair trimmed in accordance with the socialist lifestyle
Thanks John! I had great fun at Yum Cha eating myself silly. Hope you look sleek and pro with your new bag. ;)
thank you everyone for coming to han and i's b'day thingy.
I got sent out by the ref for breathing my goggles (no I didn't take them off). It wasn't fun. I will probably go if everyone goes, but our first paintball experience is much more preferrable.
Hah! Dude that is whack
bash.org style:
Kj, we had great fun that day. Major highlights include James' culinary expertise, intense tip games leaving overstreched muscles that's managed to come back and haunt us, water balloon duals in wild wild west cowboy styles and matrix style dodge tactics, and finally, for some of us, the hunt for the wanton rabbit.
omg they are actually making a film on doom
Thanks to everyone who attended my first Pizza Party!
Woah, never before has the blog been filled with such wonderful and funky posters. Count me in John!
wow. i used to play that gp500 2 game a lot back in the day.