Yeah MOSFETS, JFETS... alot of shit like that.
James pick up some dynamics, fluids and join us aerospace bois =)
Come in, relax, light a cigar and spend some quality time with your old friends. ;)
Yeah MOSFETS, JFETS... alot of shit like that.
Yeah just assembly of the structure I guess. But they did bring in the engines and attach them! =)
Kwong Hah interesting they don't seem to show the installment of avionics.
erm what??
ADSL Charlie! w00t! Now I can post my blog pictures of higher quality and feel less guilty that I'm straining one more person's connection. :)
All ADSL and Cable did for star was connection trouble.
ACM at first looks suspiciously like the toilet paper AGM emails.
all CSE people, i encourgage you to vote in the ACM elections.
you are insane john!
My cousin's got a Mazda3. Where is his NOS?
Marc... it's obviously 2...
i ate a bit too much cheese.
I'm looking through urbandictionary and I'm still going through which definition of "squeeze" you used.
Apparently he didn't turn up to school on Monday, so one of the teachers went over to his place on Tuesday. He was found unconscious and died soon afterwards.
An interesting thread James..
Thank you Yi
charlie's sentence needs to be taken into context. the preceding sentence said he does not have time thus did not investigate other religions further. the second sentence then means if i have time i will investigate religion further, and not christianity specifically.
Didn't want to say anything but Charlie's first point intrigued me.
all this religion talk makes me want to say something off-topic and more related to me..
lol well first of all, I'm not religious, so I'm not biased towards Christianity, and I try to keep an open mind so as to allow me to investigate further. The reason why I chose to investigate Christianity is not because of a pamphlet, but because my family's from that background. Given a busy lifestyle and lack of a sense of 'immediacy', I have not investigated other religions. But If I were to choose to 'believe', then I will investigate further.
i don't see how this issue can be 'resolved' by two participants on an online blog, none of whom are even religious. people have been fighting wars for thousands of years over this.
The 'predictions' of other world religions spelling doom for non-believers don't seem to bother you Char. The other 'big two', Islam and Judaism is also based on the old testement. The chances that you actually picked the right one, or that anyone can, is disturbingly slim.
That's very much the reason I'm still not a Christian. But if their 'prediction' is correct, then the consequence would be a catastrophe for non-believers.
Jono, you are now an admin.
Yi : Some of those pictures truly are breath-taking. I go around with galaxies in my head all day?
There's a difference between what you can be and what you are.
One can assume the qualities of forgiveness and humility without being Christian, much like one can assume the qualities of enlightenment without being a Buddist or one can attain the quality of suicide bombing without being a radicalist mulism. (or the quality of 'forbearance' without being a FalonGong memeber!)
Alexis, the way to Heaven through Jesus Christ is not the only way. One may think of this as the salvation tactic. This was actually the second method. The first method was what 'god' offered upon 'creation of man', which is that we live in god's way. It 'was' the breach of this first method that ignited god's fury and out of love, he gave us another path.
'Gods' are cultures' attempts to explain the unexplainable, and since all cultures are different, why should their explanations be the same?
Hubble's new images are ... breathtaking.
The question of whether God created man or vice-versa is a pointless one. No one on this planet can give a truly factual answer to that.
James : Congrats on passing ELEC2031 I imagine. Credit?
AI is cool, and the lecturer has this great German accent! It really keeps you interested in what he has to say.. or is it how he says what he has to say..
If it was a cockroach it would be dead. Micromist biyatch!
haha well not really there for sight-seeing, though a twilight coupled with soft moonlit shot of that boulevarde would be nice
This ant was freakin huge. It was hero size seriously. It was creeping outside my window last night...
None of us will be graduating this year...none. The only people I can think of are people doing commerce ie Gavin :P
Everyone, welcome to Session 1, 2004.